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One week after Jon's resurrection

Robb waited for Jon in his solar. Jon had decided to remain at Castle Black until Davos received word from Stannis Baratheon, who had been planning to attack Winterfell last he heard. Robb prayed every night to the seven, the old gods, and the Lord of Light for his success. If Stannis took Winterfell, Arya would be safe at the very least. 

He watched as Greywind and Ghost played. The pair had been nearly inseparable since they had been reunited. Then again, Robb and Jon were also nearly inseparable, except for when Jon was with Asha. Robb didn't need to ask him what was going on there. However, when Jon learned the truth, he would need to reconsider his relationship with her. 

Jon walked in, "Stark." He greeted. 

"Jon." Robb smiled. When they were younger, Robb would have called him Snow, but now the name felt like a lie. "I have to tell you something. You may want to take a seat." 

Jon eyed him suspiciously but took the seat across from Robb. Robb didn't know how to start this conversation. He was about to tear Jon's whole reality apart. That was why he had waited to tell him. When Jon first came back, Robb had worried that this new information would tear him apart. 

"When I was at Greywater Watch, Lord Reed told me of your birth." He began, carefully picking his words. He didn't want to put Jon through the shock of the truth before he had all the facts. If he only followed the storied surrounding Rheagar and Lyanna's relationship, it would crush him. He needed to the full truth. 

Jon's eyes lit up. "You know who my mother is?" 

"Aye. But let me start at the beginning. They met at the tourney of Harrenhal. They were in love, Jon. The stories surrounding them were all lies."

"Surrounding who?" Jon's brows knit together in confusion. 

"Your parents are Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the dire wolves still from their games. 

"Is this a jest?" Jon looked shocked. 

"No, Howland Reed has proof at Greywater Watch." Robb could see how the blood drained from Jon's face. "They were married. Jon, they were in love. It wasn't like the stories."

Jon nodded. His eyes bore into Robb, waiting for the rest.

"They fell in love at Harrenhal, but Lyanna was already promised to Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar was wed to Elia Martell. Rhaegar set aside his marriage to Elia and Lyanna ran away to be with him. He never kidnapped her." Robb continued, Jon's face remained like a statue. "They held a ceremony in secret. Then Rhaegar had to go off to war and let Lyanna in Dorne, pregnant with you. When Fath- Eddard Stark found her, she was dying after giving birth. She made him swear to protect you. She knew that you were the only person who could rival Robert's claim. Jon, you're the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen. That makes you heir to the Iron Throne."

Jon opened his mouth to say something but closed it as if he couldn't get the words out. 

"Jon. Listen to me carefully, I am still your brother. I will always be your brother, no matter what." The words came tumbling out of Robb. He couldn't stand the thought of Jon believing that he was alone this. They were still a pack. 

"I- I'm trueborn?" Jon rasped.

Robb nodded.

"And a Targaryen?"

"Aemon Targaryen, that is your true name." 

A small grin reached Jon's lips as if he had heard a poorly timed jest. "Who knows?" 

"Just me and Howland Reed. He has documents to prove your birth at Greywater Watch. I would have brought them here with me, but I would have been too dangerous if I was intercepted by Boltons." Robb explained. His heart thumped in his chest. 

"What would you have me do with this?" Jon spat out.

Robb wanted to tell about the plan that he and Howland had created to put Jon on the Iron Throne, but Robb also knew that he couldn't force Jon into this. "Whatever you want. If you decide that you wish to spend the rest of your days getting warm in Dorne, then I will support your choice. If you decide to chase your claim to the throne, I will support you."

Jon nodded, his eyes lost in thought. A knock on the door rang throughout the room. Robb rose and opened the door. Edd stood in front of him with a somber face and a letter. "This is addressed to Jon Snow, from house Bolton." He handed Robb the letter and walked away.

Robb's brows furrowed as he closed the door. Whatever was in this letter, it could not be good. He handed the letter to Jon, who peeled away the seal of the flayed man. 

Jon's eyes darkened with anger as he read. He tossed the letter at Robb and stood up, starting to pace, one hand pinching the bridge of his nose. 

Robb slowly picked up the letter and began to read. 

"Dear Bastard,

I regret to inform you that your support of Stannis Baratheon was folly. He was easily crushed in the field. His skin now decorates my walls. In any normal situation, I would have you killed for your insolence, but we are family now. I am pleased to tell you that your little sister made a beautiful bride. I do enjoy her company so. But be warned, if you make another move against me, I will attack those wildlings that you seem to love so much. I will kill every man, woman, and child living under your protection. I normally don't like to share, but if you act against house Bolton, I will allow every single one of my men to take turns with your sister. Winterfell is mine, bastard, come and see.

-Ramsay Bolton"

Robb felt sick. Arya was trapped in a castle with that monster. "What do we do?" He whispered. 

"We cannot leave Arya there," Jon said, trying in vain to keep his voice steady. "Stannis is dead, we will have to get her ourselves. We need an army to get her back. We will need a united North against house Bolton. I will accept my birthright, for Arya."

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