A small act of love 1

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//Hyung line// 


- He'd buy you small gifts all the time

- Could be a new item of clothing, food, jewellery, a printed photograph and so on

- You'd always ask why and he'd always reply "Just because" and shrug his shoulders

- If you gave him something he'd definitely say things like 'Nooo you don't need to get me anything!' 

- He feels a warm fuzzy feeling every time he sees your reaction 


- On a day off he'd plan a secret trip

- Either just a nice walk somewhere or shows you some beauty spots/ attractions 

- Holds hands with you all day

- Every time he'd point at something and say "That's pretty, but you know what's prettier?", but then reply "Me"

- He looks forward to it every time

- Every time, he takes you to a cafe for a snack before leaving to go back home


- Would sometimes suggest buying a new outfit for each other and you have to wear it that day

- Most of the time he'd get you something really cute but on occasion, he'd get you something quite silly 

- He'd compliment you all day

- Shows the members how good his fashion taste is 

- "I did a good job right?" 

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