When you push them off the bed 2

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//Maknae Line// 


> You had no idea you even did it because you were sleeping 

> To your surprise he told you about it in the morning 

> "How dare you y/n! This bed is mine too!"

> He said you literally pushed him towards the edge of the bed in your sleep and he wasn't fully awake when he fell

> You offered to swap sides the next night but he denied because he knows you like being between the wall and him


> Did you push him off? No, you didn't. But he told the members that you did as a joke

>  From your point of view, he purposefully rolled off the bed so he could whine to the members

> You know its because he's getting back at you for when you blamed him for something to the members a few days ago

> "I told you I'd get you back y/n. Two can play at that game"

> Everyone could tell what he was up to but you all played along anyway


> You were both in a soft mood, cuddling on the bed watching videos

> You ended up falling asleep in his arms so he tried to move a little to make himself more comfortable

> This didnt work well as he ended up falling off the bed, which made you wake up from the movement and noise

> Through tired eyes and a sleepy voice you asked what happened and he couldn't answer because he was laughing so much

> "I try to be a nice boyfriend but look what happens!"


> You were both playfully saying mean things to each other

> But when he said 'You are uglier than me' you scoffed and pushed him off

> He didn't even have to think before grabbing your leg to pull you down too

> This happened way too often but you both knew the other was joking and it was just a bit of fun

> "Okay y/n, I win this time. I'm sure you agree?"

> You sign in defeat, he won this time


> It's about 11pm and you're both trying to sleep

> Although you were both tired, you were playing the game of 'stealing the whole blanket'

> As Jeogin went to pull it from your grip, you let go and he flew back and rolled off the bed

> "Y/N WHY?!" he'd whine from the floor

> Chan then walks in and turns the light on, "Why are you so noisy in here!"

> You and Chan couldn't stop laughing at Joengin on the floor that's tangled in the duvet


Hello Stay. It shocks me every time to see how many people read this. I hope you're still enjoying these?

If you have ideas of a scenario you'd like to read, please let me know and I'll try my best! 

Thank you and I hope you are all taking care of yourselves :)

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