When he's late 2

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- You turned off the 7 am alarm coming from Jisungs phone

- He had a busy day ahead and needed to be up early

- Except you realised he was meant to be leaving the apartment within another 10 minutes

- He slept through his alarms starting from 6 am

- You shook him until he was awake enough to make sense of what you were telling him

- "I'm going to be late!!!" he shouted dramatically whilst jumping out of bed

- He said a quick "Thanks y/n" before running out the door


- Felix had prepared some food to slow cook whilst he did a last-minute errand to the shop for extra ingredients 

- "You wanna come with," he asked you 

- You got a little sidetracked at the store but not enough to cause any panic

- When you both returned the apartment smelled strongly of food

- Felix went to check and the food had burned a little

- "Its not THAT bad, no one will notice" he laughed

- It became what everyone laughed about that night


- Seungmin is rarely late, its almost unheard of

- You were waiting for him in a nearby park, he should have come after vocal classes

-  You waited until he replied to your messages


Y/n, look at the time

You're an hour early

I'm not late

- Realisation hit you, yes you have indeed got the time wrong

- He teased you about it endlessly after that


- You had plans to go to karaoke with Jeongin and one of his other friends

- You and his friend arrived on time and went to your karaoke room assuming Jeongin would arrive in 5 more minutes or so

 - But no, it was about 30 minutes

- His friend was nice, you had met him a few times but you only saw him when Jeongin was there

-  So it was a little awkward having small talk

- When he arrived you all had fun but when it was just you two you playfully hit him for making you small talk with someone for so long 

- "I really couldn't leave work, I tried! Wait, You didn't tell each other secrets about me did you?"

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