How they like to kiss you 2

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//Maknae Line//


> He loves it when you initiate it first

> He'll get very passionate pretty quickly 

> Every time to pull away for a breather he'll stare at you with lust

> Its enjoyable to him when he sees the deep shade of red your cheeks go

> "Don't go yet y/n, just one more"

> Pours all of his emotions onto you because he trusts you with all his heart

> Secretly loves seeing his effects on you, it gives him confidence 


> It took him a while to feel fully comfortable kissing you without asking first

> But when he realised how much you enjoy them all the time he couldn't stop

> He likes to throw in the random joke between kisses to make to laugh

> Sometimes even suddenly sings a love song because that's just the type of person he is

> Likes to be cuddled up in his bed so you both feel toasty warm, especially during the colder seasons

> Whilst lying down he enjoys having his hand softly on your face 

> "You're mine y/n, only mine okay?"


>Very affectionate

> He likes more intimate kisses being in private so kisses elsewhere such as your hands and the back of your neck are usual places 

> Whenever he holds your hand he wants to give it a quick kiss

> If you're facing away from him he likes to quickly kiss the top of your back and have wrap hands around your waist 

> When he kisses your lips he can't help but smile a lot 

> He tries his best to suppress the smile so he can keep going but it's difficult for him because he's so happy 

> "My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, please kiss them better"


> He doesn't seem like the affectionate type but around you, he's quite different 

> You talk about his passion for singing often so it usually leads to praising him a  lot which makes him shy

> "Stop complimenting me or I'll kiss you"

> You win either way, a more embarrassed Seungmin or a kiss is okay with you

> He also loves giving you random forehead kisses because he can do them quickly before anyone else sees

> His heart melts every time, because the effects of kissing you never wears off, it just gets more addictive


> He is head over heels for you so will kiss you at any given chance

> Absolutely loves it when your hands run up and down his back

> He likes kissing you all of the time as long as he isn't teased for it

> Will sometimes copy something he sees in a k drama, knowing very well its cringy

> "I bet you weren't expecting that were you y/n" *Saying as he put both arms on the wall beside you so you cant move*

> Takes it very seriously because he wants to make sure you feel good and comfortable

> Embarrassed laughs after  

. . . . . . . . . . .

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Stay happy and healthy <3

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