Watching them at a photoshoot 1

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//Hyung Line//


> They were doing unit photos for their upcoming album

> Chan and I.N were paired together and you stood by the staff and watched

> Since the concept was dark, they had amazing makeup and outfits, posing with a straight face

> You watched as between position changes how Chan interacted with I.N, babying him as always

> When they'd finished Chan approached you and took your hand

> "Our turn," he says with a wink

> You protest and back away but he's stronger than you

> The photographer gives you and Chana a copy of a photo he took of you


> He has a photoshoot with danceracha

> They were doing some advertising for a company and had the opportunity to try very unique styles

> They had a fun time on set and afterwards had to answer some interview questions about their work

> You watched quietly behind the camera as the interviewer asked the questions

> The next question was "Your fans know how passionate you are about dance, is there anything you love more?"

> You catch Minho's eye and he subtly winks towards you whilst Felix answers

> You feel your face getting hot and you try to hide your smile

> Once they're done he comes right to you

> "I could see your cheeks going red from over there y/n! You love me that much huh?"


> He's on set with all the boys, it's their season greeting photoshoot so they look adorable

> On their break you tease them all, saying how cute they look

> Some members take this very well whereas others pull a face judging you

> Changbin loves it, he'll start doing aegyo and then it's your turn to cringe

> "Bini is cute, Bini is cute, Bini is cute" he says repeatedly

> The other members avoid him jokingly 

> You laugh, putting a snack in his mouth to stop him from talking

> Everyone else laughs because it worked, including the staff

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