When you encounter Saesangs 2

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//Requested: 'When you encounter saesangs as an idol' - Maknae Line //


> You were together at the time, making your way back home in a taxi after going out to eat

> Very quickly it was obvious there was a saesang in a car following behind you

> You could see the frustration in his face but he calmly told the drive to go a different way

> "We'll go a different way home today y/n, hopefully, we'll lose them"

> When you couldn't see the car you both got out and he held your hand very tight as you both walked the rest of the way

> Nothing else happened but you could tell it made him angry since he knew it scared you


> There was a scandal that became a big topic amongst K-pop fans online

> It was found that one of your staff was getting information for a saesang

> It made you feel betrayed and like you couldn't trust anyone 

> Jisung came to find you as soon as he found out 

> Without saying a word he pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you

> "I'm so so sorry y/n, why are people like this?"

> He felt upset about the whole thing too since he felt there wasn't much he could do other than to support you


>  You were on your way back from an overseas show 

> The airport experience was awful, there were way too many people and not enough security

> Some 'fans' got so close that they actually touched you on purpose

> When you got back you went to see Felix and burst into tears

> You told him you feel like your privacy was forgotten and that you hated people touching you

> You even tried to defend them because they're your fans but Felix told you otherwise

> "Those types of people arnet fans y/n, they don't deserve to be"


> You had seen people take photos of you a few days ago, and today they were posted online

> They weren't bad photos or anything embarrassing, but no one should have been there since it wasn't an official schedule

> Whilst talking to Seungmin you figure out that these specific saesangs are known to do things like this and worse

> He convinces you to talk to the company about making a statement about privacy and taking actions against those who cross the line

> "I know it feels like this won't do much y/n, but it's the best we can do right now"

> He'll give hugs and soft kisses whilst telling you about some of his experiences and how he handles them to not constantly worry in the future


> He was horrified to hear someone had broken into your dorms

> Thankfully you weren't there at the time but you still feel really anxious just thinking about it

> The company took action but you never really felt assured because some people have no boundaries

> Jeongin convinces you to talk to a professional and does what he can to also assure you it won't happen again

> He'd often stay with you when his schedule wasn't too busy

> "Tell me what I can do y/n, I don't want to to feel  scared anymore"

> He'll sing to keep your mind from it

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