Calming them when they're angry 2

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//Maknae Line//


>Hyunjin very rarely expresses anger

> He was pacing around not able to relax

> You knew it's because of today's performance which do you look perfect, but he wasn't satisfied

> "Y/n, that was my chance to show stay, and I messed up"

> In the rare case that he gets angry, it makes him cry

> You praise him a lot and gave him lots of hugs, and then you read up some stays lovely comments on the video

> You cheered him on and he felt motivated 


> You heard him on the phone this morning with his friend

> They hadn't seen each other in a while and you guessed it was getting between them

> Because it's a personal matter you never asked

> Today you could tell he was very upset so you decided to confront him

> He told you the whole story saying how he's disappointed about his friends acted

> He felt a bit better after telling you but you knew you the best thing you could do was go out to keep his mind off it

> Therefore you decided to go for a walk around the city and get ice cream

> "I am so lucky to have you as my girlfriend/boyfriend y/n, you know me so well"


> Felix felt under a lot of stress

> He raised his voice at you by accident

> That was the breaking point for him, he felt incredibly guilty

> You cupped his face with your hands telling him it's okay over and over again

> You suggested that he stays home later that night as he didn't have to go back to work

> "That won't happen again y/n, I promise" his voice trailed off quite quietly as he felt ashamed

> You knew what you had to do, ask him to bake brownies together! That quickly cheered him up


> You haven't quite worked out the best way to calm Seungmin when he's angry

> Sometimes you realise it's not the right time to say or do some things

> For example don't tell him to 'calm down' if he's very stressed

> Today he was not satisfied with his vocal performance in the studio

> He was hoping to get the whole skz record finished but this one part he couldn't quite get right

> When he feels angry he overworks himself and becomes exhausted 

> So when he finally got home you made sure you made a nice meal for him

> "I wasn't expecting this, how long did this take you y/n?!"

> Admittedly you went a little overboard and cooked a lot for him

> The next morning he thanked you for cheering him up


> Now it's hard to imagine him being angry, it certainly doesn't happen often

> But sometimes he's worried he can't catch up with his members

> Just one of those days where he didn't feel his strongest

> He didn't sleep well and kept forgetting choreography during practice

> Chan texted you can ask you to come over to the studio, because he knows Jeongin is happy around you

> You turned up with some snacks and drinks for the tired members, to make it less obvious that someone asked you to come

> Jeongin practically threw his body against you for a long hug, and members decided for today not to tease him

> He whispers to you "thank you for coming"

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