When they're upset 1

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When they're upset after making a mistake on stage 

//Hyung Line// 


> He comes back stage without talking to anyone 

> None of the members of staff watching from behind the stage noticed what he did wrong but could see that he looked frustrated

> You see a staff member approaching him to help take off the microphone equipment and asks what's wrong and you hear him say 'nothing'

> When he's changed out of his performance outfit you ask him what's bothering him

> "I started my line a beat late, I was out of sync for the whole line. I shouldn't make such stupid mistakes," he says quietly as if he was talking to himself

> You confess you didn't notice at all and even got the clip so he can re-watch it

> He is very critical of himself even when the 'mistake' is only noticed by him


> He had a little trip on stage

> His shoes must have slipped because when he went to do his centre part his foot slipped a little bit so his voice wasn't stable for a second

> There was no time to talk backstage because he had to change outfits and go straight back out

> Just before he left you caught his eye across the room and mouthed 'you're doing amazing' 

> He then pointed at his foot and moved it to tell you he slipped followed by an annoyed face

> When he was done filming you reassure him he did really well and not to worry

> Jokes about it after 

> "At least I didn't fall on the floor XD"


> He had been practising for long hours recently to prepare a stage

> After he performed, he returned backstage looking disappointed

- When you ask he says he feels like he didn't give 110%, nothing actually went wrong, he just felt that he could have done better

> "I just have no energy left y/n, I wish I could sleep for 9 hours and do it again"

> You give him lots of hugs and tell him how much you love the performance

>  You got home and convinced him to have a good meal and sleep rather than go back to the practice room

> When the other members saw him going to bed they all did the same XD

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