When you can't fall asleep 2

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//Maknae Line//


> You had to get up the next morning for something important so went to bed early

> Most of the other members were still awake, they weren't being loud but it was enough to stop you from falling asleep

> Hyunjin came in and knew why you couldn't sleep before asking so you heard him telling everyone to be quiet

> When he comes back in the room you tell him he didn't need to do that but he insisted that he did

> "It's important you rest for tomorrow, you have a busy day"

> Acts like a librarian when anyone spoke too loudly 


> It had happened the night before too, you felt tired but your mind was racing, making it impossible to sleep

> You started tearing up from the frustration of not being able to feel relaxed

> You sat up and drank some water for your head and shook Jisung slowly to see if he would wake up

> To your surprise we woke up very easily, and he saw your eyes watering

> Since this had happened before he lifted his arms up to invite you in for a hug since it helped last time

> "Don't cry y/n, keep trying. Besides, you can stay in bed all morning tomorrow if you want"


>  Felix is an angel when it comes to you not being able to sleep

> If he doesn't have a busy schedule he'll talk o you, play a game, bake or even go out for a 30-minute walk

> "Don't worry about me y/n, let's stay up for a bit and try to sleep again"

> Hugs you a lot so you both feel comfy

> When you get round to sleeping he secretly tries to stay awake until you fall asleep


> He'd be close to falling asleep when you said you were struggling to

> This poor boy was so tired and wanted to just sleep but he stayed awake to help you

> "Close your eyes and count in your head so you're concentrating" 

> He'll keep an arm around you since he wants to fall asleep but look after you at the same time

> Apologises in the morning and says he'll stay up next time


> You couldn't sleep because you were feeling unwell

> It was only a mild headache but it was enough to keep you awake

> Jeongin made sure you drank enough water and that you were comfortable

> "I can stay up with you if you want"

> In the end you told him to sleep so he's not tired for his schedule

> He'll see you sleeping the next morning and not wake you up before he leaves for filming

> He'll write a cute note for you though for when you wake up

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