When you miss your alarm 1

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//Hyung Line//


> He'd be awake early anyway so he'll see you sleep through your alarm

> At first he'll come over to wake up but decide to give you 5 minutes more rest

> He would wake you up slowly, laying on the bed next to you and running his hand up and down your arm until you opened your eyes

> Whispers "Baby, you need to wake up"

> Chan finds it cute when you struggle to wake yourself up, so it means he gets to help you by cuddling and talking

> Although after about 10 minutes he'll put on a bit more of a serious tone because you can't be late


> He'd just find the whole thing funny, watching you run around after waking up later than usual

> You stop for a second to look at him after hearing him laugh, he's looking up from the comfort of the bed you were just in, hair messy over his eyes

> He looks ridiculously handsome, there are butterflies in your stomach but you dismiss the feeling because he's teasing you

> Just before you were ready to leave you couldn't find your keys

> "Looking for these?" he'd say with a smug smile walking towards you holding the keys between his thumb and index finger in front of your face

> Reaching up to grab them, he pulls the keys higher and pouts, wanting a kiss before he hands them over


> He panics more than you do

> "Y/n! You're going to be late get up!" He'd almost be shouting this early in the morning

> He'd be running around after you to make sure you didn't waste time

> Eventually you call his name and hold his shoulders still, telling him you're handing it and not to worry

> He'd open the front door for you, quickly listing off items you shouldn't forget before you leave 

> You assure him you have everything and he gives you a big hug, which after that big rush, felt very calming 

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