Approaching you after an argument 2

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//Maknae Line//


> Arguments usually leave Hyunjin in tears after leaving to try to calm down in another room

> His heart breaks when it happens because he hates every second of it 

> This one time he raised his voice then realised what he did and left, shocked with himself

> You didn't wait longer than a minute before following him into the room, wrapping your arms around him as he's crying 

> His hands are shaking as you place a kiss on them 

> "I didn't mean that y/n, I really didn't" he'd say looking at you through glassy eyes

> It makes your eyes water just seeing him like that

> You take good care of each other after and you feel closer than ever


> It started as a play fight but got a little more serious when a certain topic was brought into it 

> You blame yourself as he walked away to his room and shut the door

> It was heartbreaking to see the shock in his eyes when those words came out your mouth

> You knock asking to come in, even though the door isn't locked

> Rather than saying 'okay', he comes to the door and opens it himself and you apologise as soon as his eyes met yours

> "Don't worry y/n, you wouldn't have known that it would have hurt me"

>You apologise a lot anyway and he of course holds no hard feelings against you 


> It was your first argument

> You felt as if it was impossible for you to have an argument with Felix, but you were both under stress and experiencing the effects of lack of sleep

> It was very late at night and the argument took place right before you were supposed to finally sleep

> You went to lie on your bed and you feel the weight of Felix beside you

> "I can't sleep without knowing you're not mad at me" he'd say in a dangerously deep and quiet voice

> You sit up to talk, of course you're not mad at him and you make sure he knows it


> It got a bit more heated than you expected and it shocked you both

> He was surprisingly very forwards about talking about it only a few silent minutes later

> "That was stupid of me y/n"

> "Me too Seungmin..."

> You agree to go for a walk around a park together to be able to talk about it sensibly 

> After your discussion its as if nothing happened because you talked openly about how each other felt

> He tends to show a lot of physical affection after an argument 


> He can process things like this himself usually but this time he needed to advise from his hyungs because he's worried he hurt you

> He'd approach you with words he had planned over and over again but couldn't say anything without tears threatening to fall 

> You felt the same like you has a thousand words to say how sorry you felt but dint know where to start

> "Just hug me y/n" he'd say through a small smile 

> Its as if he read your mind, you didn't want to talk about it because you both know what you said wrong

> You opted for kisses instead which he happily agreed to

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