When you've spent all day studying 2

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>  Dislikes when you spend all day concentrated on studying

>  You know he gets a little sad because you don't pay much attention to him, but he fully understands why

> He'd offer to help where he can and it makes him feel happy when he can sit next to you to help you understand

> Loves the moments when you feel a little tired and lean onto him so he can comfort you

> "Take a 15-minute break with me, it's good to have breaks y/n. Don't overwork yourself, okay?"

> Will try anything in his power to make those breaks longer 


> He will be super supportive and encouraging

> Lets you get on with it because he knows how important it is to you

> If he's out working he'll always drop you a text to make sure that you're okay

> Brings food during his lunch break so you can have a rest 

> "Only a few more days to go y/n! Then the exam will be over and you can relax"

> Praises your work ethic after seeing how determined you are


> He'll come back and see you asleep at your desk, some of your papers scrunched up beneath you 

>  Wakes you up and attempts to convince you to go to bed

> Instead you panic that you slept for nearly an hour so you both agree you'll sleep in after another 30 minutes

> "Y/n, times up. It's super late, please get some rest"

> Hides his worry about you not sleeping well so tries to encourage sleep as much as possible

> Tells you how well you're doing every day 


> He will be your study partner and will take you to a library to get you in the right headspace

> Helps you get over being demotivated so you get a to of work done

> Tells you his tips to memorising things which work really well

> Even though you spend all day there, he'll stay there with you 

> Will literally do this on his days off because he likes to help you so much

> "It's getting late y/n, you did really well today. Lets go and do the same tomorrow"


> He'll always be convincing you to rest but you ignore him

> When it gets really late he'll come to where you are and close your book

> "That's enough y/n, you've been at it for 9 hours!"

> At first this annoys you slightly but you know he's just trying to help you

> Playfully scolds you but you get him back by poking fun at the fact he skipped so many lessons at school

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