chapter one

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Five years later.......,

As I stepped out of the car, I felt the  smooth wind on my exposed skin, I was back to this wretched city, the city that broke me, just looking at the people walking by, brought back a lot of painful memories, memories that I tried to ignore, that I tried to hide. I promised myself that I wasn't going to step my foot here ever again, I broke my promise. But this trip was for business purposes only, hopefully I was not going to bump into him one day.
Who am I kidding, my company was going to do a project in partnership with his company. I was here to finalize the deal. Maybe he's dead.
"Eve, let's go" my boss AKA  kyle  AKA  my very close friend, snapped me out of my thoughts.
"So what are we doing?" I asked him.
"We are going to the house, I got this really cool suite" he smiled.
"Nice, how long are we going to be here anyway"
"I have no idea, all depends on the project, this is one of the biggest contract we've had, we can't mess it up"
"Of course Mr larson"
"I hate it when you call my name like that" he mumbled childish.
I laughed.
"What ever you say kyle"
"That's better".
                       &.          &.           &.
I stared at my phone screen for what seemed like hours. I had to do this it's been years since I last saw her. I put on some clothes then left the hotel.
I could hear my heart beat as I knocked on her door, I hoped she still lived here.
"Am coming" I heard her say. The door clicked and she came out.
The look on her face was priceless and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.
"EVE" she screamed and jumped on me.
"Laura" I said and hugged her, I missed her so much.
"Oh my goodness eve you look amazing, and your taller than me now"she said
"I was always taller than you Laura" I said
"Yeah keep lying to yourself " she said and dragged me in.
It looked exactly like it did three years ago. When we were living together, barely surviving.
"Would you like some water, or coffee or even tea" she asked interrupting my thoughts.
"Nah am okay"
She sat next to me all smiles.
"So what brings you back"
" in charge of a project...emmm"
"What's wrong"
"We are going to be partners with chemin inc."
"Isn't that...."
"Yeah it's his company"
"And if you see him"
"I'll do nothing, he's nothing but a business partner"
" Wow You've moved on"
"It's today you know"
"Today 4th of may, the day I lost my child, the day I left him"
"Oh  I didn't realize am sorry v"
"It's okay"
"No it's not, it's also the day we met"
"I have no idea what would have happened if I hadn't met you"
"Stop saying that, am the one who's lucky"
"I would love you to meet kyle" I said quickly changing the topic, I didn't want to continue talking about it, I didn't want to think about what would have been.
"And kyle is" she asked sitting properly
"My boss slash my very close friend"
"Your friends with your boss"she said smiling sheepishly and poking me
"Why are you saying like that"
"I don't know what you're talking about"she pouted.
"You haven't changed a bit" I laughed as I pushed her away.
We both stayed quiet, enjoying each other's company. Am sure she had many questions to ask but I wasn't ready to answer them, and she knew.
Somehow laura always knew what I was going through.
After I awhile I decided to get back to the suite  I needed a lot of rest, if I was going to meet him tomorrow.
"I should get going " I finally said.
"Yeah,  but promise me you'll come tomorrow".
"I promise" I hugged her and left.

                    &.             &.                &.

I walked into the suite and saw kyle licking ice cream and watching TV.
"Wanna join me"he asked not taking his eyes off the television.
"Why not" I said and threw my bag on the floor, took the spare spoon on the table and sat next to him.
"What are you eating away" he asked
"Painful memories, what about you"
"Same, do you wanna talk about it"
"Nahh, what about you"
"I don't "
"We look awful"I mumbled , my legs now on the table
"No you look awful I look amazing". He said taking another big scoop of ice cream.
"You shouldn't do that or else you'll have.....
"Ahhhh brain freeze" he screamed and I burst into laughter he sounded like a little girl
"I told you"
"You didn't say a word, you're such a liar.
"But I tried to warn you"
"Exactly you tried to, but you didn't"
"You're an idiot" I said and threw my  spoon at him and left.
"Am sorry v"he screamed and I laughed.
                          &.         &.         &.
"Kyle" I screamed five minutes after leaving him.
"What"he asked as he walked into my room.
"I can't find my bathroom" I said awkwardly
"What do you mean you can't find your bathroom" he asked confusion written all over his face.
"What kind of boss rents a suite that doesn't have a bathroom" I yelled frustrated, I really needed to pee.
"It's right there"he said pointing at the door behind him.
"No that's the closet, I should know, I just kept my clothes"
"No that's the closet"he said pointing at the door behind me"
"What are trying to say" I asked clearly confused about the situation.
"You opened the same door twice" he said smirking.
"I will wipe that stupid smirk right off your face,this never happened right"
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"Good"I said my head held high as I picked up my things and went to the bathroom.

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