chapter Eleven

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Kyle's pov.......
Life always had a way of playing games, I thought I was not going to find anyone soon.
Then a smart and strong woman named eve stumbles into my office looking for a job.

The best part, she's single.

Then we go on a business trip together and out of nowhere, a man named bruce asks her out and she says yes.

She claims they're just friends but I see it, he loves her.

If I knew this trip would go this way
I wouldn't have brought her, that's very selfish I know.
I should be happy for her,but I can't help but feel a little jealous, Now she's mad at me and I didn't know how to say sorry.

Why was I even jealous, she didn't like bruce and now that I think about it, she doesn't like me either.

I should apologize.

As I walked to her room,  I remembered the party night when she sat on the floor crying her eyes out, we didn't even talk about it properly, I wonder what she wasn't telling me. Though it felt nice knowing that I helped her feel better.

"V can I come in"I knocked
"Yes"she sounded really stressed.

"Am sorry v,"

"For what" she sat up

"For being a jerk about your date"I rubbed my neck, I felt a little awkward.

"It's okay, I just wanted a little escape, and bruce kinda offered it"
Why didn't I ask her out first, what is wrong with me.

"Escape from what"I asked, I knew she wanted to talk about it, but she would never make the first move, so I always asked.

"I met a boy, he's name is Ben, he's jason son, nine years old"I thought she was going to be hurt but she was dangerously calm.

"But you married him seven years ago"

"Yes meaning, ben was two"

"How long did you guys date before getting married"

"2 months, I was still nineteen, the planing didn't take long, it was a small wedding"she definitely wasn't proud of herself, people make mistake, she didn't know that the
Marriage would end like that.

"Why so fast"

"I thought I loved him, I was clearly wrong"

"That's your past, don't let it bother you"

"How am I supposed to do that, my bad decision haunts me, the scars are still on my body"

"You know, I almost got married to a woman I thought I loved" I said, she needed to hear this.

"Yeah I know, charlotte, she said no  on the wedding day and ran off"eve nodded.

"Well.... yeah technically"

"What are you talking about"she frowned, confused.

"She didn't say no, her boyfriend did.

"I don't understand"

"Well....the priest asked if anyone had a problem with the marriage, and this guy stands up and says yes, charlotte takes off her ring and says, kyle am in love with someone else, I couldn't tell you, so he came to stop the wedding" I didn't like telling the story, it was the worst day of my life.

"Oh, I didn't know"

"Well I invited two hundred people, I wanted many people to watch as I got married to the love of my life"

"Well....that was a stupid move" she joked

"I know, my point is.....we all make mistakes, you didn't know your marriage would be like that and I didn't know charlotte had someone else in her life"

"I guess am too hard on myself, it's just one date, besides we are leaving next week"
She was right, I was overreacting. This wasn't a problem.

"I know, am still sorry"

"You could come, a double date"she was smiling sheepishly.

"Who would be my date"

"Laura, my friend"

"I'd rather not"

"Oh, I thought you liked her" she was disappointed.

"Who told you that"

"You did, the ice cream day"

"I was joking, she's nice but no way"

"Are you serious"she face palmed herself.


"Make friends with other people"

"I have friends" I frowned.
"Your only friend is me" she smirked.
I hate to admit it but she was right, she was the only friend I had.

I can't believe I have just one friend, am such a nerd.

"You win, now I shall go to my room and wallow in shame"I smiled and she laughed.

"Wallow quietly" she screamed as I closed her bedroom door.

"Wait"she called

"Yeah" she was wearing her business face, this had to be serious.

"I wanted to ask if you are really going to spend that much money on more equipments"

"Well.... They said it's important"I scratched my head, I wonder where this was going.

"I don't think that's smart"


"Because, we already spent more than we budgeted for, we are investing too much on a project we aren't sure of"

"But I already promised them"

"You can produce more equipments, just not as much as they want"

"Okay, thanks"I hadn't thought about how much I was spending on this project, Eve was an amazing project manager.
Am the lucky one, but I don't think I'll ever be brave enough to tell her that.

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