chapter twelve

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Seven years ago........

Jason hasn't been around and am so bored, I didn't know he was this busy, I decided since new year was in a few weeks, I would get a job and be busy too.

I still couldn't believe that he didn't want to celebrate christmas.
So when he comes back, I'll tell him I want a job
Then one night, he came home drunk, breaking glasses, screaming.

He sat on our room floor and I saw tears,

"Jason what's wrong" I sat next to him.

"My mom....... she's gone"he looked away, he wasn't crying anymore, he was oddly calm.

"Am sorry, it's going to be okay"I held his hand.
"It's not going to be okay" he yelled, and just like that all the pain I saw was replaced by anger, toxic anger.

"Am just trying to help"I yelled back.

He took my wrist and put them behind my back and pushed it up.
He almost broke my arm.
"Don't you ever yell at me again" he said slowly
"stop hurts" tears were already forming.
"What did I just say" he pushed it again and I screamed,
"Please......stop" I was crying now. He was hurting me.
"WHAT DID I JUST SAY" he said again

"I promise......i won't yell ......I won't yell at you... please....please" I was trying to stop the tears,
"Good"he pushed me away forcefully and I hit my head on the table.
As I sat down in shock,I felt something dripping down my face and I knew it was blood, bit I didn't try to move to get it cleaned up.
I didn't know what to do, this wasn't the jason I said yes to.

Was he just going through a phase or did he pretend to get what he wants, I didn't even get to talk to him about getting myself a job.
When I came back to my senses I quickly locked the room door, got the first aid from under the table and cleaned myself up.

                       &.              &.                &.
The next morning, I prepared breakfast for myself alone, I didn't see jason, my guess is he left the house after the incident and hadn't come back yet.
I sat on the table began to eat.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when the door opened, but it wasn't jason, just bruce.

"Eve how are you" he smiled

"Am fine"I mumbled.

"Sorry I came without a warning"

"It's cool"
He kept staring at me and I realized that I had a bandage on my head.

"What happened to you"he asked softly, I felt like crying but I wasn't going to.

"Just a minor accident"I lied, stuffing my face with bread.

"It doesn't look like a minor accident"he sat across the table, directly opposite me.

"I fell"I swallowed.

"Is jason hitting you"
I stayed quiet for a while.

"Eve.. don't lie to me"

"It was an accident"I insisted.

"Is jason hitting you"he crossed his arm.

"I said No... Mind your business"I yelled, I didn't want him interfering in matters that didn't concern him.

Just as he was about to say something else, the door opened and Jason fell to the ground, he was wasted.
Bruce carried him and put him on the couch.

"Jason didn't sleep at home"I didn't know if it was a question or not, so I didn't say anything.

"Eve, what's going on"

"Nothing, he lost his mom and he just grieving" I could tell  he didn't believe me, I also knew he wasn't going to bother asking me again.

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