chapter twenty one

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I avoided him all day, it was pissing him off but I didn't care, I  had to stay as far away as possible.

Though it was basically impossible, since he kept following me around.

"Eve, are you still angry at me"he asked for the thousandth time since this morning.

"No"I didn't look at him.

"Then why are you avoiding me"

"Am just busy that's all"

"Liar, you're a terrible liar"

"Fine fine, I just wanted some alone to think"

"What's bothering you, buttercup"

"Don't call me that".

"No promises"
I rolled my eyes.

"You know yesterday, when I went to Jason's place"


"He built a library"


"He built it for me years ago, so I'd be happy when I returned"


"Yeah, he's changed so much"

"Are you considering going back"

"Of course not"I dismissed the thought immediately.
The room was filled with awkward silence

"Am ready"he finally said .

"For what"

"My family"

"Oh, so you'll see them...."

"Yess...I have to, am going back tomorrow I've got tickets already"

"I want to see jason and Ben one last time.

"Tell you what, I'll have them postpone your flight, I'll  go  see my family and you'll say goodbye to jason.


"Keep smiling sugar cake"he yelled randomly.

"What is wrong with you"I asked.

"Nothing,am peace"


"You love me"

"I do not, why would you say that, is it because of the way I talked to you, is it my smile, or my eyes, it's my eyes isn't it
"I panicked

"Go to sleep" he shook his head, confused at my reaction.

"It's ten am in the morning, crackhead"

"It is?" He frowned picking up his phone, "wow it really is just ten in the morning"

"And I wanna bake cupcakes"I smiled, I hadn't baked in a while.

"Can I help"

"Sure" I answered as I walked to the kitchen.

"And so we spent the next few hours baking away our time"

"What was that"I turned around

"It's my narrator voice"

"It's terrible, your supposed to say....and so they went to the kitchen to bake"

"That's even worse"

"What are you talking about, that was peak narrator voice"

"No it wasn't"

"Yes it was, look were running out of time, if we are going spend the night binge watching TV and stuffing ourselves with cupcakes and popcorn and ice cream, we better now"

"You didn't tell we were going to binge watch Tv"

"Are you in"

"Of course am in"

"And they watched tv" I said in my deepest voice possible.

"No They didn't, they baked"he groaned.


By the time I woke up, kyle was dressed and ready to go, I could barely stand, I over ate the night before.

"Are you ready"I asked as I walked into the living room.

"Yeah, just wanted to say bye, not it matters, your coming tomorrow"

"It matters, thank you"

"Well, am leaving now, goodbye mary jane"

"Ewww, I hate that name, calling me evangeline"

"Your obsession with tiana is getting out of hand"

"Am not obsessed, am just a huge fan, now go on I wanna go back to sleep"

"Ok bye"

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