chapter eight

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Jason's pov........

I heard the door open and I turned my head to see bruce.
"She takes a ride with you, but won't talk to me" I said when he was close enough to hear me.
"You can't blame her"he sat next to me.
"Am trying to talk to her, it's been five years, I miss her" eve had no idea, how long I waited for her to come back, I even prepared a long speech about how am a terrible person.
"If you cared, you would not have raised your hand at her" Bruce snapped.
"I know, i made a mistake" he tried to warn me, he said, if I lost eve I'd never get her back.
"I warned you, but you don't listen to anyone"he was getting angry, he always got angry when we talked about this.
"I want to fix things, but she's been difficult"
"Are you listening to yourself, she's been difficult, what do you expect her to do, huh"now bruce was very angry and I didn't know why.
"Maybe listen to me"
"Eve owes you nothing, get that into your head"he said and left me alone with my thoughts.
Why was Bruce so angry, am sure it had something to do with the ride, maybe she told him something.
My heart broke when I found out she was pregnant, I had no idea.
Still didn't justify what I did to her, I know I was wrong and am trying my best to fix everything.
"Why is bruce so angry" scarlet asked

"I don't know"she sat next to me even when she knows I don't like it.

"Are you lying to me"she put her hands on my shoulder and I quickly took them away
"Where's ben"I ignored her question.

"He's sleeping"
I stood up and walked upstairs to my room.
"Stop ignoring me"she shouted as I walked away.
"Am not ignoring you"I said quietly, I didn't have the time and strength for her today.
"Am your wife jason,at least treat me with respect, am sure this is why your last wife left you"she screamed.

"Firstly, you are not my wife, secondly, if I didn't respect you, you wouldn't have been in my house and lastly this is the last time you'll talk about eve"I threatened, I could tell she was scared but I knew scarlet she wasn't going to stop talking.

"What am I to you"she was crying now, I rolled my eyes, she was such a drama queen.

"Should I be honest"
"Is this how you'll treat me, after everything I did for you, what about ben"
"Ben is the only reason you are still living in this house"I walked away and this time she didn't shout or throw things at me like she usually does.

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