chapter sixteen

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I settled in comfortably on laura's couch, she brought me some snacks and sat next to me ready to listen.

"I talked to Jason"
Her jaw dropped, the shock on her face was replaced by happiness, it Left me confused, I thought she hated him.

"Really.... what happened"

"I told him that I forgive him"

"Took you long enough"

"What does that mean"

"How do you feel now"


"Exactly.... You finally made peace with your past"

"I stopped blaming him, what's in the past will remain in the past"

"I know that's not the reason you're here"

I stared down at the glass of Juice in my hands, she was right..

"Am going to quit my job" I said quickly, I knew kyle would be disappointed but it was necessary.

"Why...are you not getting a good pay" she studied my face

"Of course I ready to start the bakery"

"I thought you gave up on that a long time ago"

"The incident with Jason had me thinking about it again"

"Ohh....I guess you'll soon leave again"

"Actually I want to start it here.... Like not going back with Kyle ever"

"That would break his heart"

"I know and I don't know how to tell him about it"

"He'll understand"

"Okay your turn...spill it"I said,  she had something to say and she was very happy today... something happened.

"I got a promotion and am going on a date with someone very special.... he's name is bruce, we've been talking for a while now"

"Wait.... wait bruce what"

"Yeah.. bruce willis..... Jason's best friend we met when he and Jason came looking for you years ago"

"Did you say bruce and Jason came looking for me"

"Yes"she nodded, she was slightly bothered about the way I reacted to the news she gave me

Oh my god
Bruce was such a liar, he said he looked for me alone, he asked me out, wanted to make us a thing while saying the same thing to Laura.

"Is there a problem"she asked puzzled by my sudden change in mood.

"Bruce lied to me"


"He asked me out... said he wanted make us a thing" I made air quotes on the word thing.

"He did... But he made me his girlfriend a few weeks ago"I saw the tears threatening to spill.

I immediately regret what I said..I shouldn't have told her about it... At least not now.

"Am sorry.....I didn't mean to hurt you"

"It's okay..... it's not your fault"

"I want to be left alone" she said after a while.
So I left her.

I was so angry at bruce... I thought he was different.
But he's just like jason.
I thought of confronting him but that was for laura to decide.
I called kyle to pick me thoughts were racing.
I was hurt and disappointed, I was angry with myself for telling laura.
I felt like I had ruined her happiness.

I saw his car parked across the street, finally I was getting tired of standing.


"What's wrong"  I whispered. As we finally got home, he didn't say a word while we were in the car.

He looked unusual, he was normally calm and collected.

"I finally received a call from my family" he explained his voice rough and low.

I realized that in all the years I knew him, he never talked about his family.

"My mom is dead"I could barely hear him.

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