Chapter 3: What's Wrong?

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Mer woke up with a knot in her stomach.

She ran to her bathroom and threw up, she eventually was dry heaving.

"Mer, are you ok?" Derek asked.

"Yea. I think that pizza last night didn't settle well."

She walked out and headed towards her closet. She decided on black vans, lavender shirt and light washed jeans. She put in some light makeup and went to wake Mark up since she awoke early.

They went downstairs and ate. Derek ate his muesli and Mer ate some eggs and toast.

"Bye mom!" They all said and went to the bus stop.

When they got on, Mer got car sick. She swallowed the bile in her throat and focused on the road.

"You good?" Addie asked.

"Just a little bug."

"Ok. Hope you feel better."

They arrived at school and Mer ran to the bathroom.

"Mer, are you sure your ok?" Addie asked.

"Yea. It's just- ."

"Mer. What's wrong?"

"I'm late. M-my period. I was supposed to have it f-four days ago. Addie. P-please. D-don't be mad. I know you guys broke up b- but it feels wrong."

"Hey, hey. Listen. I'm not mad. Did you guys use protection?"

"We forgot!"

"Ok. Listen, I'm going to run to the gas station and grab a pregnancy test after school."

"Ok." Mer threw up one more time and Addie comforted her.

"Let's go before we're late."

To be continued...
Is she pregers? Is she not? Ooooo.

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