Chapter 16: Our Next Step

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Meredith was asleep and Derek was in the NICU.

The babies had no names. And they were so small. The doctors said they were ok for right now, besides that their lungs are too underdeveloped.

Their tiny chests pumped up and down with the help of a ventilator.

They were healthier than expected. They could go home in a few weeks. The most they would need is an oxygen tank. But despite them being ok for now, doesn't mean they won't be sick in the future. Doctors said they could easily be diabetic or have anemia.

"Hi babies," Derek whispered. "Your mommy and I love you a lot."

He put his finger inside of baby boy's hand.

"That's cute. When my sister was born, I didn't like her very much," a woman said.

"Oh, they aren't my siblings. They are mine."

"A kid having a kid?"

"It wasn't exactly planned. But right now, I just need them healthy," Derek said awkwardly and turned back to his babies.

"Ah. They are cute. Where's the mom?"

"She's getting some rest, I better go check on her."

He called the nurse over so she could monitor the babies while he went to Mer's room.

"Hey, Mer," he said as he stroked her hair and sat by her.

"Hi," her voice was still heavy with sleep. "How are they?"

"Cute, they are fighting, you know."

"I know. Mom went to get such sandwiches."


They sat for a bit and Derek showed her some pictures of the babies before Carolyn came back with the sandwiches.

"They only had ham, no turkey."

"That's fine, thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome."

The sisters began to come in and Meredith smiled at them.

"Our niece and nephew?" Kathleen asked while smiling.

"Baby girl, 5 pounds, 3 ounces, Baby boy, 5 pounds, 2 ounces," Meredith says.

"Awe," Amy says.

"They will have to stay in the NICU for a couple of months," Derek adds while Mer tries to hold back tears.


No one was with her. Carolyn had taken everyone home, Christopher was at work, and Derek was with the twins. All of this was fine. But she couldn't shake that the two babies who were living inside her stomach are now fighting for their lives, alone.

The machines are doing everything Meredith's stomach used to. And now these babies that she grew are breathing with the help of a ventilator.

She was supposed to protect them. Hold them. And they were across the hospital, out of her reach.

She didn't like the timing of these babies, but she would do anything for them. And now, all she can do is cry.

So, she sat and did just that until Derek came in.

"Mer, I got some more pic-, What's wrong?!" He swiped beside her and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm their mom,"


"And I am supposed to be there. And I can't be."

"Oh, Mer," He kissed her forehead and sighed. "They know you love them. Trust me. It's gong to be hard these next few months. You and these babies, baby girl looks lust like you. Baby boy has your eyes and your nose. Meredith, when you cry, they cry. They love you a lot. Just be strong, they need you to be strong, okay?"

She nods and falls asleep on his shoulder as he goes through the pictures he captured of them.

Teenage Times  Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora