Chapter 10: Rough News

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"Meredith Grey!" The nurse came out of a wood door and called.

"Hi." They both said, standing up and walking over.

"Hello, how are you guys?" The OB flipped through her chart while they walked down the hallway.

"Good, scared but, good."

"Scared is ok. Means you still have something to lose." She pointed to the room and they walked in.

"We are going to do some tests and a full exam so if you could take off everything except for a bra, that would be great. There is a gown on the bed for you."


Meredith got undressed and she was shaky.

"It's ok. It will be fine."


They heard a knock on the door and the doctor asked if she could come in.

"Ok, so we are going to draw some blood, run an ultrasound, and give an exam. Is there any family history of pregnancy issues?"

"Not that we know of. Long story." Derek sighed.

"Ok, that's fine. We are just going to try and find out what's bothering you."


She just wanted the pounding in her head to go away. And her stomach.

"Ok, I'll go get the supplies." The OB left and Meredith laid back in the bed.

"Are you ready?"

"No, but...yes."

"Ok. You can hold his hand if you want, I'm just going to wrap this around your arm..." The OB-in-training said as she wrapped the band around Meredith's arm to pop her vain.

"It's just going to hurt for a second, you have really good vain from being younger so we will only have to use a baby needle."


She inserted the needle and the blood started into the vile.

"Great, I'm going to go run this to the lab and get Connie for you."

"Thanks." They both sighed.

Connie came in a little bit later and asked a few questions.

"Ok, ready for the ultrasound?"


"Perfect, this will be a little cold."

She quieted the cool gel onto Meredith's bloated stomach and placed the probe.

"There is your...hold on." Connie looked closer to the screen.

"What? What's wrong- is something wrong?!" Meredith started to panic.

"Depends on how you take it." Connie looked at the teenagers and she had on a poker face.


"Meredith, you're having twins." She smiled.




"It is. I will go pick up your labs and see if we can find out what's wrong."

"Ok." She sighed in relief.

Connie left and Derek smiled at Mer.



"Oh my god."


They kissed and the fellow came back in with Connie.

Connie sat on the stool and said, "I have good news, and bad."


"Good news is, your symptoms are easily treatable. And it's just Iron Deficiency Anaemia, which three days of medication and you will feel better."

"Ok..bad news?"

"You are very young, meaning that your babies would be pre-term. But, you are having twins which will make them come earlier than we want. And this could lead to health problems. Pre-mature babies that are born before 24 weeks have a less than fifty percent survival rate. And with everything added up, you should be right around the 25 week mark. However, you are in one of the best hospitals and we will do everything we can to make sure you and your babies are healthy."

" they could die?" Derek asked since Meredith was to much of a sobbing mess to even speak. Not that he wasn't, but he had to stay strong for her.

"Yes, but here's the thing, we could all die. We can walk outside and get hit by a car or fall into a hole and die. That's why you shouldn't be scared."

"S-so can- you can them?" Meredith asked.

"I can try. I'm not making promises. And it's not going to be easy. But there is absolutely nothing that I wouldn't do to help your babies. They could also get a chronic disease, probably multiple. And that is why you guys can't have a mindset that this will go wrong. Meredith, you are a 14 year old mother. And I haven't seen maybe a handful of people who are strong enough as you. Just because you know what might happen, you still have to wake up every day. You have to get out of bed and live these babies just as much. You know that you guys can die in five minutes, five days, five years, but you still wake up. Don't give up because you know something is wrong."

"Thank you." Derek whispered.

"No problem. If you guys hadn't come in, this could have gotten worse."

"Yea. Bye Connie."


The OB and fellow left the room and Derek helped Meredith outside. Now, telling mom and dad and coping.

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