Chapter 7: First Appt.

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The first appointment was going to be scary. They didn't know how this would go. Let K alone, how people would react. Like Mer said, 14 isn't I'm really the expectation for pregnancy. However, thinking past that, they were going to be great parents. And would love that child more than anyone else.

She wasn't positive on how far along she was. Estimated around 5 weeks, though. All of their friends know, all asking to be the aunts and uncles. Well, after offering their support. She couldn't be more grateful for them.

"Mer? Mer, you need to wake up."

"I don't wanna!"

"I know, but you get to see our baby today."


"Aren't you excited?"

"Yea but-,"

"What? Mer, what's wrong?"

"Throw up."

She ran to the bathroom and vomited into the toilet.

"It's're good."


"I know."

"I'm done."

"Mkay. Here, wipe your mouth."

"Thanks." She sighed.

"I love you." He kissed her.

"You just-,"


"You kissed me."


"So, I just threw up..and you kissed me. You didn't even grimace."

"Eh, it happens. I don't care. You're growing my baby." He kissed her again.

"I'm going to brush my teeth, and afterwards, I hope you have knocked of the weird."

"Fine, no more kisses."

"No! I didn't mean that." She started crying.

"Awe Mer. I know. I was just joking."

"I know. Pregnant, fat person hormones."

"You're not fat."

"Will be."

"No, you will be carrying a child. That makes you......god that makes you extraordinary. Not that you weren't just..god. You guys are like superhuman."

"Haha. Thank you."

She started brushing her teeth while he got ready.


"Meredith, Derek, are you guys ready?" Christopher asked.


"Let's go."

They hop in the car and drive to the hospital. Mer must've been shaking because Derek wrapped his arm around her.

"Thanks dad. We will call when it's over."

"Ok. Stay safe."

They head inside and start to check in.

"Who are you checking in for?"

"Meredith Grey. 14 year old female."

"Ok. Go sit right over their and a nurse will be there shortly."

"Thank you."

They go sit down and Derek is holding Meredith close.

"I love you."

"I love you. I'm scared."

"I know. But don't be. You're ok."


"Meredith Grey!"

"That's me."

They walk in and the nurse instructed her to take off everything from the waist down.

"Here, give me those." Derek told her.

She climbed up on the bed and waited for the OB.

"Hello, I'm Hannah. I'm not the OB but I'm in training."


"Ok. If you could just slip into these stirrups for me."

Meredith did as told and the fellow got to work.

"Ok. Yeah, you look to be about 5 and a half weeks. Do you guys have any ideas what you want it to be?"

"No. Not yet. Maybe a boy though." Mer said.


Even though she was striking conversation, the fellow wasn't taking her eyes off of the screen.

"Is everything ok?" Derek asked.

"Everything is fine I just, I'm going to get my boss. I'll be right back."

She left and Meredith looked to Derek in horror.

"Hey, it's ok. You're fine. Don't stress."


"Hello guys! I'm just going to take a look here."

"Is everything ok, doc?"

"From the looks of it, everything is perfect. I think you guys can go home! Call me if you have any questions."

"Ok. Thank you."

They leave the hospital and sigh in relief.

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