Chapter 5: Tell em about it.

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Meredith and Derek stood in worry. They didn't know what they were going to say. What they were going to do. How they would say it or how they would do it. They just knew that they didn't care what they had to do, they wouldn't get rid of it.

Pregnant. She was pregnant at age 14. That gets messy and complicated.

"How will we tell mom and dad?" Mer asked, completely brain struck.

"I don't know. We just have to go out on the limb and say it. I think, well, I don't know what I think. I don't know anything right now."

"I'm giving you an out. I can pack up and leave. I can do all of that and no one has to know. You can still be a teenager and play hockey and everything you love to do won't go away."

"No. I'm staying. I love you and I will love this baby."

"Ok. We just have to tell mom and dad."

"Yeah." He sighed. "Do you want to tell them today? Together? Alone?"

"Today. And together."

"Ok. We can do that. But listen, I'm not leaving."


After everyone had left, it was almost time for bed and only their parents were awake.

They walk down the stairs and see Carolyn and Christopher sitting on the sofa.

"Hey uh. Mom?"


"Uhm." They sat down also. Looking at there hands. Well, Mer was. Derek was holding her.

"I uh. I am uh. Pregnant. And I took a test and yea."

"What?!" Both parents said in unison.

"I- I s-Sorry. I didn't want to m-make yo-you guys upset b-but it ha-happened and I- I I can leave and uh..pack my bags and go somewhere e-else and y-you guys can not deal with this mess. S-sorry Carolyn and C-Christopher. " She sobbed, standing up.

"Meredith, we aren't mad. Worried? Yes. It's going to be so much stress on your body." Christopher assured.

"Y-you sure? Cause if you are m-mad, don't blame D-derek. It was me. I'll i take the blame a-and I can go."

By this time, everyone's heart just twisted in their chest.

"We are sure, sweetie. We will help you through everything. But, Mer, tho is not going to be an easy road. Morning sickness, back pain....all of it. It won't feel awesome. It's going to put so much strain on your body. Which means, more rest, eat more, sleep more and no heavy lifting. You are 14, your body wasn't made for carrying little babies. You are a baby yourself." Carolyn said as she hugged one her favorite daughters.

"Thank you." Meredith sighed. Now, they had to tell their friends. That was a task that they were almost one hundred person positive, would come out in an easy unravel.

"I'm serious though, you will get queasy over almost everything, sweetie."

"Mhm." Meredith couldn't talk, not only because she didn't want to cry again, but she had a mouth full of vomit. So, that being said, she ran to the guest bathroom and threw up, Derek not even two steps behind her, there to hold her lavender hair and wipe her mouth.

"All of the vomit talk......"

"Ok. Do you want to go to bed?"

"Uh huh."

They go upstairs and Meredith looks at her shirt. There is some sort of stain that just makes her even more queasy.

She runs into the bathroom, Derek close behind and emptied whatever was left in her stomach.

"Your stupid stupid penis."

"You weren't saying that when this happened."

"Shut up."

Mark walked into his room and heard Meredith crying.

"Woah Grey. You good?"


"Mark she uh. She is pregnant."

"Oh. You got her knocked up at 14? Damn."

"Shut up Mark."

"Sorry dude. Can I be the cool uncle or whatever?"


"Ok. I'm fine then. Although, she looks like she is about to chop your penis up and cook it for dinner like fried kielbasa."

"No. Just tired."

"Oh. Well, good luck man."

"Yeah. Thanks."

Mark went back to his room.

"Wanna go back to your room?"

"No. I wanna stay here. I like the coolness of the floor."

"Ok. Are you gonna sleep in here?"

"I might."

Derek chuckled but sighed, "ok. Want a pillow?"


He laid her head on his lap and gently brushed his fingers through her hair.

"I love you, Mer."

"Wuvyou Der." She slurred.

After she had fallen asleep, Derek carried her to bed and climbed in with her.

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