Chapter 8: Slight Concern

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Meredith had been in bed longer than normal. She normally only stayed in bed until 9 on weekends, and now it was nearing 12.

Derek figured it was the pregnancy. Even though she wasn't far along, it was exhausting. And he new that. He tried to comfort her through every step.

Carolyn and Christopher were always reminding him that it would be ok, and the tiredness was normal. And they were constantly walking in on her crying about maybe making them mad.

The thing is, they weren't mad at all! When Mer called them by their first names the night they told them, they were heart broken. The fact that she felt so disowned to the point of going on a professional name basis, it was heart wrenching.

"Mer, can you sit up?"


"What's wrong?"


"What- what hurts?"


She always went to five-year-old talk when she felt incredibly uncomfortable. But, only if she was super sick. So, this sent chills down his spine.

"I'm sorry, can you sit up? Try to drink some water?"

"Idontwanna" she slurred.

He sighed.

He leaned down and kissed her, his forehead brushing against hers.

"Holy cow, Mer. You're on fire!"

"I don't feel like it."

"No, not in a compliment, Mer. Well, yes, you're beautiful but that's not what I'm saying. You have a blazing fever."


"I'm going to get mom. Hold on." He kissed her forehead before running downstairs.

"Mom! Where's mom?"

"She went to the store, why?" Kathleen said.

"Mer is burning up. Fever. She has been in bed all day." He said as he rummaged through cabinet after cabinet, trying to find the medicine she needs.

"Ok, calm down. Have you taken her temp?"

"No. I- good idea. I need to do that."

"Der," she grabbed his shoulders so he would look at her.  "Calm down. You can't be freaking out."

"Right, yea. Kath, what's wrong?"

"It could just be the flu."

"But- but the doctor thought she found something and- and. Yeah, yeah. She's ok. I'm overthinking."

"Ok. Where is the thermometer?" He asked.

"Where it always is, bathroom cabinet."


He grabbed the thermometer and medicine, along with a cold wash rag and brought it upstairs.

"My head. It hurts." She said, practically sobbing.

"Oh Mer,"


"I wish I could. Is that all that hurts?"


"Ok. Do you some medicine?"

"I can't...swallow."

"I have the liquid form." He sighed. This was breaking his heart.

She sat up, mostly with the help of Derek, and propped herself on the headboard.

"Here. Take this." She swallowed the foul liquid and reached for the water.

"I feel..dizzy."

"Stick your tongue out."

He placed the thermometer under her tongue and waited.

Beep beep beep.

"99.8. Tiny fever. Maybe just the covers that are keeping you burned up."


"We can go to the doctor in the morning."


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