Chapter 12: Having Hope

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Meredith's spirits were up. She accepted the fact that her kids might be perfect and healthy after all. She still worried, a lot. But she has become accustomed to that feeling.

Her hormones were everywhere. Her cravings were weird. And she felt bad. She felt bad for crying so much and snapping at people. For Derek making her disgusting food that only she will eat. But overall, she was ok.

She got out of bed and headed to her closet, careful not to wake Derek, who slept with her. She grabbed a grey hoodie and a pair of leggings, along with a clean bra and some underwear.

She went to the bathroom, undressed and looked in the mirror. Her bump had popped it was very visible and it was getting bigger. This brightens her mood. Every time she looked at it. It was already pretty big. About double the size it would be if there was only one baby.

She got into her clean clothes and brushed her teeth, afterwards, her hair.

She left the bathroom to see Derek gone. She heard his shower running so that's where he was.

Today was a big day. The whole family was coming over. Kathleen had two kids, a boy and a girl. Their names were Emery and Kylan. Nancy had 3 kids, Merrick, Haisley, And Julian.

Kath stays over sometimes when the kids are at school since she offered to help around the house and to get some alone time from her own life.

"Hey." Derek wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and placed his hands on her growing bump. She was now about three months along.


Mer was doing her makeup. She never really went out with it. Only some gloss and mascara.

"You're beautiful." He smiled.

Smiling, she thanked him and leaned her head back to kiss him. "I love you."

"I love you."

They heard the door open downstairs and the sound of laughs. Nancy was here.

"Untie Mer!" 4 year old Haisley burst into the room.

"Hi!" Meredith said as she hugged her niece.

"I see who your favorite is, Hays." Derek joked.

She gave him a hug before making Him pick her up.

"I've got to go take my meds." Mer sighed.


As Mer walked into her bathroom, Haisley spoke. "Why does auntie Mer need medithin?"

Her word slurred but Derek understood the girls words.

"She needs the medicine so your cousins will be healthy." He smiled. He sat down on the bed with her on his lap.

"Ohhh!" She smiled.

"Ok. I'm good." Mer came out of the bathroom.

"Ok. Let's go Hays. We can go help grandma make dinner!" Der said.

Haisley jumped out of his arms and ran to Meredith, wanting her to hold her.

Mer laughed and picked her up before they headed downstairs.

They hugged the rest of the kids, Nancy, and her husband, Brian. Nancy, Brian and Derek all helped Carolyn and Christopher cook as Mer stayed in the living room, playing with the kids.

Soon later, Amelia came downstairs with Lizzie, Lizzie going to the kitchen and Amelia hugging the kids.

Kathleen and her family arrived soon after, Emery was in a car seat, only being 8 months old, and Kylan going to play with his other cousins.

Kathleen hugged everyone and went to the kitchen.

Haisley stayed in Mer's lap and watched her iPad.

When Haisley fell asleep, Mer took her upstairs and laid her down in her bed, surrounding it with pillows, so the older kids wouldn't bother her.

She went back down and held Emery.

"Hey Mer, it's around Emery's nap time, can you feed her and get her to sleep for me?" Kathleen asked.

"Of course."

Mer fixed a baby bottle and warmed it up a bit before feeding the tired baby.

She rocked Emery until the little baby was fast asleep, Mer quickly following. The baby was safe on her chest of the sectional, so no way of falling. Mer's arm was wrapped around Emery as her other hand was on her bump.

The family watched the two and started talking.

"She's gonna be a great mom." Lizzie said.

"That she is." Christopher replied.

"She worries so much about those babies." Carolyn added.

"Yea, but she has gotten better at worrying so much." Derek sighed.

"That's good." Nancy smiled.
A few hours later, dinner was ready.

Mer was setting the table while the kids were sat at the kiddy table.

Once everyone got their food and sat down, they carried the conversation on and talked about anything and everything.

They finished eating and the kids were sent to the playroom while the adults talked and drank. Mer, Amelia, Derek and Lizzie, not being adults but not being kids, got to stay too but no drinking.

An hour later, Mer hunched over and rolled her neck.

"Is you back hurting you?" Derek whispered.

She nodded as he rubbed her back.

Everyone was watching but then went back to talking, this time to Mer.

"Is it already hurting that bad?" Kath asked.

"Yea." Mer sighed.

"I guess with twins it would." Nancy added.

Mer nodded in acknowledgment.

"Do you wanna go to bed?" Derek asked."

Mer looked up as if looking for approval from the test.

"It's ok, Mer." Christopher said.

Mer nodded and stood up with a grimace. Her and Derek headed upstairs and laid down. She rolled over and he worked his hands at her back.

"Does that work?"

"Mhm." She whimpered into the pillow.

They soon fell asleep with a kiss and 'I love you'.

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