Chapter 9: Anxiety

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Nope- chasing cars just came on.

Carolyn and Christopher finally came home and immediately got told what was wrong.

Mer's voice was strained and her throat hurt, which was normal considering she throws up a lot, and the headache made since, nausea and exhaustion can do that. What wasn't normal, however, was her decrease in appetite. Pregnancy meant you eat more. But Mer didn't eat enough. Her body aches constantly and her lymph nodes were swollen.

Carolyn had called and made an appointment for them later today to find out what is wrong.

Meanwhile, Meredith was in bed, light fever and a very sore throat. Her body hurt too much to even lift her arms and her appetite was gone. But she loved her baby, so she ate. No matter how much she wanted to just sleep.

"Mer, you need a shower." Mark came in and said.

"I don't feel like it, Markie."

"I know," He sighed.

Him and Mer had always been close. They were definitely brother and sister. They were family. Even if they weren't shepherds.

"But you have an appointment today. See what's wrong. You can see baby Shepherd today."

"Hmm." She nodded.

"C'mon Grey. I'll help you up, but if you think I'm washing your ass, you're wrong."

She giggled and attempted to roll over, succeeding slightly.

"There you are. Where you been, Grey?"

"My bed."

"Obviously." He ruffled her hair.

"Let me go get your Superman."


"Aye Shep! Come wash your baby mama's ass!" He screamed down the steps.

"Language, Mark!" Carolyn yelled.

"Sorry mom! Derek!"

"I'm coming, jeeze!"

Meredith came out of the room to the stairs, nearly falling down the steep bumps.

"Watch it Grey."

"Canyouguysstopyelling?" She slurred.

"Yea, you don't look to good."

She ran to the bathroom and started to throw up. "Oh Mer." Derek said.

"Mark, hand me that hair tie."

Mark grabbed the black elastic band and gave it to his brother before leaving the room.

She started to dry heave while Derek rubbed her back.

They were scared. Terrified. If their parents didn't know what this was, then they should worry. Meredith didn't remember anything about her family history and that scared them all.

"Ready for your shower?" He asked as he flushed the toilet.

"No, but yea."

"Ok. Come here."

He supported her with one arm as he took her shirt off with the other.

"I love you."

"Love you."

He finished undressing her and helped her in the shower.

"Do you need help?"

"No, I got it. I think."


She started to shower and looked down. She was bloated. She knew it wasn't a bump, but she hated it. She loved that she is able to grow a human being, but she didn't like how ugly she felt. How tired. How sore. Moving her arm was a chore.



"Can you....Never mind."

"Do you need help?"


"Ok." He chuckled.

"I just- it hurts to move. And talk."

"Then don't talk."


He started scrubbing her hair and washing her body. Once that was over, he wrapped her in a towel and held her.

"Don't go to sleep, we have to get ready." He said.

"Yea..just five more minutes."


She finally got out of his lap and got dressed into sweats and his t-shirt. She didn't feel good enough to wear anything else.

They then got in the car and anxiously rode to the hospital.

"Ok Mer. Let's go."

"I'm scared."

"Meredith, sweetie, you'll be just fine." Carolyn said.

"How do you know for sure?"

"I don't." She sighed. "But you need to find out. If it is something serious, then we can get it taken care of."

"Yea, Mer." Derek added.

She nodded and they walked into the hospital.

"Meredith Grey, OB appointment."

"Ok, the doctor will be with you shortly."

They went to sit down and Derek held Mer close to him.

"It's all gonna be ok." He put his hand on her stomach.

"Yea." And her hand joined his.

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