Chapter 14: Take My Lungs

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Mer was 22 weeks and she was over it. She knew her kids would be at a high risk if they were born earlier than planned, but she was over it.

She felt like a whale. Her body wasn't it's bony self.

But overall, she felt like total crap.

She had to take IVs once every two days to keep the twins and herself well off with vitamins and electrolytes.

She was put on multiple meds for the pregnancy, pain, babies, herself.

And Derek could only wish it would get better.

But here they were, in the waiting room of the OB floor, waiting to be called back for a checkup.


They walked back to the exam room and Meredith got in a gown.

"This will be a little cold." The OB said.

The OB continued to move the probe around.

"I'll be right back."

Meredith looked at Derek with pure fear in her eyes.

Everything seemed to always go wrong for them and it keeps getting worse.

"It's ok, Mer. Calm down."

"But- what if somethings wrong? I've already screwed them up enough,

"Hey, stop that. It's fine. It's not your fault."

She nods and he kissed her head.

"Ok," The doctor came back in.

"So, you have low amniotic fluid. This can happen in multiple circumstances. Um.. I think yours might be from dehydration, which is normal with your pregnancy state. I want you to drink tons and tons of water. It will help drastically. If your amniotic fluid doesn't increase, it can cause poor lung development in your babies, which is already happening as is. It could make it hard for your babies to breathe during and after delivery. And make you more prone to a c-section."

"So, I could prevent their lungs from worsening by drinking water?"

"Yes. If you want, I could make it easy for you guys, I could send a nurse, instead of you guys driving here, to your house to give you your IVs. And, I'll move them to every day until we see an improvement."

"Ok..thank you."

"You're welcome. Take your meds. You'll be ok. And your babies."

Mer nodded and left the room, Derek's arm around her.

The Shepherd family was sitting around the dinner table. Meredith was eating, but not as much.

"You good Mer?" Amelia asked.

"I'm fine..just..worried. That's all."

"It's normal, Dear. Eat up, we need to keep you and those babies of yours healthy." Carolyn added.


Meredith and Derek went to bed afterwards, Derek massaging Mer's back.

"I wish I could give them my lungs.." Mer sighed.

"Me too. I love you, Meredith."

"I love you too."

A/N: I am so sorry for not updating as much. I'm also incredibly sorry for the short and most likely boring chapter. I'm running out of ideas and could really use some. I would love your input. Xoxo

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