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Author's POV:

Chowdary's Mansion

Wedding rituals started next day with full of happiness screaming every corner

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Wedding rituals started next day with full of happiness screaming every corner. Abhi was sitting on a stool with a huge decoration behind him. All the ladies were applying haldi to him while he was scrunching his nose.

Ishitha, 2 years old daughter of Aastha and Anish walked to Abhi with her tiny legs. She took of haldi paste in her hands and applied it on Abhi's face. He lifted her and made her sit in his lap. Tickling her he rubbed his cheek against hers softly. Ishitha was giggling. Anish looked at his best friend with tears who will be happy only with his daughter, laughs his heart out, be himself.
I hope sitaara bring sunshine in your darkness, Abhi!!

Far away from him his mom, Sakshi was looking at him with teary eyes. A beautiful smile is dancing on her lips seeing her son attending pre-wedding rituals. She is sure Abhi will find his happiness in Sitaara. She remembered priest words which they were told on engagement day when they gave Abhi's and Situ's horoscopes to priest.

Their horoscopes are perfectly matched!!

It's very rare to see such perfection. Infact sitaara's is perfect for Abhimanyu than Sisira!!

They both become eachother's strength!!

Sitaara brings prosperty, happiness, fame to her in-laws house!!

Sitaara brings peace in Abhimanyu's life which he is lacking since years!!

Abhimanyu who lost everything right since his birth, who's loved ones was snatched away by his fate isn't gonna loose Sitaara. He make her stay in his life by hook or crook!!

Same goes with Sitaara. She is gonna find her happiness in him!!

She is gonna be pulled out from the darkness by him in which she is drowning!!

They both become sunshine of each other's life!!

Sakshi smiled contently remembering the priest's words.

"They both will become a great couple. We made a wrong step in selecting Sisira as Abhi's bride but God made everything in correct path, he selected Sitaara as Abhi's bride" said Anjali, Abhi's aunt standing beside Sakshi.

"It's not that Sisira is evil or something like that but she isn't correct for Abhi. That's it!!" Added Anjali quickly. Sakshi smiled nodding her head.

"We have to unite them in their first year itself" said Anjali. Sakshi nodded thinking about words said by priest further.

But...they have to face many problems initially. If they don't clear them, they may get separated forever!!

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