Chapter-50 |•|

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My apologies for the late update, caught up with festival things and few personal things.

I have rewritten this part for nearly 3 times and still am not satisfied. I will be making it more effective while editing. Not wanting to delay it anymore, I am publishing this part in haste and I promise this will edited with slight changes which don't loose the grip on the story.

Sensitive content ahead, self harming is highly unacceptable. It feels good to read in story but in real life, it sucks and pains like a bitch. So, kindly, do not take any such steps making the following content your inspiration.

Am warning again, do not take foolish steps reading the following content.

Unedited! Ignore the mistakes.
Longesssttt chapteeerrr ahead.
Enjoy reading!

Am I not looking beautiful to you?

Author's POV

Sitaara and Riaan stood in front of the gates. Seeing Sitaara watchman came running to her and opened the gates. It is a beautiful garden with Viraj's grave in mid of it. The place was bought by her and her friends to make his memory forever there. They both were walking to the grave gulping the lump that formed in their throat. Tears started flowing down her eyes.

At the end of the grave, she collapsed on the ground all of a sudden while Riaan stood there rooted.

"Raj" she screamed at top of her lungs crying. Riaan walked further and touched the grave and a lone tear escaped from his eye. He could hear his best friend painful cries. His heart is paining to see his Viru bhaiyya who used to make her smile, became reason for fading away happiness in her life, who never used to let her shed even a single tear, become the reason for the never-ending cries of her heart, who used to promise her every minute that he will make her life beautiful with his love, now, made her life a nightmare with his disappearance.

Riaan fell on his knees gulping the lump that formed in his throat. His eyes watered seeing the man who saved many lives, is dead now, was brutally murdered.

Riaan traced the photo and his name that was carved on the grave with his trembling fingers.

Viraj Sehgal

"He left me, Rio. He shattered our dreams, broke the promises he made. He lied to me that he will walk with me till eternity. He destroyed the hopes he built in me of our bright future. I loved him with all my heart. I was ready to sacrifice luxurious life only to drown myself in his love, I made myself ready to face the world which I never stepped into. I was ready to see his world, make his world mine but...but he left just like that" Cried Sitaara loudly.

"I don't know if I have to smile relishing the memories he gave or to cry for him being only part of them. I don't know if I have to shed tears because he is gone or because he never asked me to stay strong to survive in his absence. I don't know if I have to cry because I lost him or because I lost myself with him. I want him to look into my eyes, touch me, give that forehead assuring kiss, hear his voice calling me 'pumpkin'" cried Sitaara holding Riaan's hand.

They both cried for some time and sat in the car. Riaan was driving the car while Situ's mind drifted to her past.


National sports day,

XXXX international school,

Sitaara was in 3rd grade and Viraj was in 6th grade

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