Pilots Part 1: Way of the Ninja

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(In a flashback, Jay and Trey run out of the junkyard.)

Past Edna: Jay, Trey, honey! Be back by supper!

Past Trey: We will, Mom!

Past Edna: And no crazy stunts, okay?

Past Jay: We won't, Mom! (Jay and Trey get on top of a building with his on.) We can do this. Sixth time is the charm. 

Past Trey: Although the odds of doin this is approximately 10 to 1.

Past Jay: Aww, stop being such a party pooper, Trey. We can do this. We will fly.

Past Trey: Ok, is you say so, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Past Jay(He and Trey jump off and starts gliding.) We can fly! (He crashes into a billboard.) 

Past Trey: I told ya, bro. 

Past Jay: Ugh. That's it. I've had it. You piece of useless, broken junk. It's impossible.

Past Wu: Is it? Or are we only confined by the walls we build ourselves in?

Past Jay and Trey: Who are you?

Past Wu: A dreamer. Like you. Attempting to build the impossible. Care to join?

(The flashback ends.)

(The episode begins with Wu heading to where Kai and Nya are working at Four Weapons.)

Kai: (Making a sword.) To forge the perfect weapon, you first need the right metal and plenty of heat. Cool it off... and Presto! (Sighs in disappointment as his sword ends up bent.)

Nya: (Laughs.) You made it too quickly, Kai. Be patient. If father was still here, he'd say...

Kai: I know. No matter how much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn overnight. That may work for you, Nya, but I'm gonna be a better blacksmith than Dad ever was.

Wu: (Entering the shop.) Hmm... your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down. Useless in the art of stealth. All tools for a samurai, but nothing for a ninja?

Kai: Ninja? Huh, you're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts, old man. And the shop is called "Four Weapons", not "For Browsing". Either buy something or go pedal your insults somewhere else!

Wu: Ha! Too bad. Thought I'd find something special here. (Nya motions to Kai to show Wu around.)

Kai: If it's something special you're looking for, let me sh... (Wu disappears.)

Nya: What is it?

Kai: He was just... forget it.

(A dark cloud then appears over Ignacia, heralding the arrival of the Skulkin. Upon the arrival, three Skulkin generals appear on a Skull Truck.)

Nuckal: Oh, oh! Let me go first! Please, oh please! I'm dying to go down there!

Kruncha: You nitwit, you're already dead! Try to control yourself in front of Master Samukai! (Changing tone, talking to Samukai.) But with all due respect, last time... you did say... I could go first.

Samukai: Sorry boys, this one is mine. Just remember what we're after and find that map. Attack!

(All the Skulkin Vehicles accelerate in full speed. The citizens of Ignacia charge towards the oncoming trucks.)

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