Episode 80: The Quiet One

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 (Lloyd and Harumi run in the jungle. Harumi then trips.)

Lloyd: Come on. (They drop into a hole to hide from a Grundle.) Phew.

Harumi: Are you okay?

Lloyd: Yeah. Just need a second.

Harumi: Let me see. (She fixes his arm sling.) How's that?

Lloyd: Oh, um. Good. Very close. I-I-I mean, snuggly. I mean, snug.

Oran: Are you sure we're heading the right way, though?

Lloyd: Pretty sure. If this map is right, there's a river that runs through Primeval's Eye that way. And the river leads straight to the hidden Oni Temple that holds the third mask.

Harumi: Uh, I don't know, Lloyd. Maybe it would be smarter to turn back and try to find the others. I mean, your arm is still pretty bad and we're all alone out here.

Lloyd: I'm doing okay. 

Oran: Lloyd's right, Princess. And, anyway, we can't take the chance. If the Sons of Garmadon get to the mask first, they'll have all three.

Harumi: Okay, but I want him to rest that arm for a while and let me take a turn.

(Meanwhile, the others try to repair the Bounty.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Any sign of Lloyd and Rumi?

Zane: Negative. Should I gather a search party?

P.I.X.A.L.: In this jungle, it's better to stay with the Bounty

Shard: P.I.X.A.L.'s right, Let's just get her mended and the computer up and running so we can reestablish our comlink.

Cole: (He whistles.) What do you think that 's name is? You think he looks like a Cole Jr.?

Trey: I think you should put the baby down and help us out. Okay, Zane, give it another try.

Fang: Zane? Come in, Zane.

Jay: Oh, great. Now the radios aren't working. (They hear growling.)

Horus: What do you think that was?

Kai: Probably just some cute little critter?

Sparky: Or a big critter. A great big vicious critter with lots of teeth and claws and pinchers.

Hercules: You can't tell all that from how it sounds.

Sparky: Oh, yeah? If you listen real carefully... (The ninja and Gaurdian Pets all jump when they hear static but then calm down when they hear Zane's voice.)

Zane: You guys say something?

Kai: Any luck reaching Lloyd and Oran?

Zane: P.I.X.A.L., Shard and I have only been able to repair the shortwave comlink. It appears we won't be able to find them until we get the Bounty over these trees. Ready to test the thrusters?

Cole: Let's give it a go.

Hercules: Fire it up.

Trey: Go for it.

Cole: Haha, it's working.

Jay: I'll say.

Horus: Fi-ya! (The thrusters start to break down.)

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