Pilots Part 2: King of Shadows

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(Continuing from the previous episode, the five ninja and Wu sail to the Frozen Wastelands on a ship to retrieve the Shurikens of Ice.)

Jay: I spy something... white!

Cole: (Sighs.) Could you try to be quiet for once? 

Trey: Cole's right, Jay. Controlling a ship ain't easy.

(The boat stumbles as they're sailing ahead.)

Jay: (Groans.) I spy something broken!

Kai: (Worried.) If Sensei knows the way to the next Golden Weapon, then why isn't he steering the ship? We've been drifting aimlessly for miles.

Zane: Sensei's wisdom is beyond my own.

Wu: The most powerful move in can only be accomplished when all five elements are combined. Earth! Ice! Fire! Wind! Lightning!

Jay: Uh, what happens when all of them are combined?

Trey: The Tornado of Creation. The power to create something out of nothing.

Wu: That is correct.

Kai: How'd you know that out?

Trey: When Wu took me and Jay in the Monastery, he kinda gave me quite the history lesson on Ninjago.

Wu: Indeed, I have.

(Kai attempts a few moves that might activate the Tornado of Creation.)

Wu: No, Kai! If done incorrectly, it will lead to disastrous consequences.

Kai: Disastrous consequences. Right... (The boat then crashes on icy land.)

Cole: Uh... wasn't me.

Kai: Did I do that?

Wu: No. We are here.

(The ninja then walk to the Weapon's direction and come across a few frozen skeletons.)

Cole: Whoa... looks like someone's already been here.

Zane: (After locating the Shurikens of Ice.) The shurikens!

(Zane reaches for them in mid-air, but gets frozen in the process, awakening the Ice Dragon at the same time. The ninja then escape the Frozen Wasteland with the shurikens and a frozen Zane. They crash onto a dead end, unfreezing Zane in the process.)

Zane: Ow.

Trey: Are you ok, Zane?

Zane: I remain unhurt.

Trey: Phew. Thank goodness you're ok.

(The ninja head to the Floating Ruins to collect the Kunais of Wind and Nunchucks of Lightning. The Skulkin are shown to be following the ninja.)

Zane: We're being followed.

Jay: Now let's go!

(The ninja climb to the top of a ruin attached to the ground by a chain.)

Jay and Trey: (After locating the Nunchucks of Lightning and Kunais of Wind.) Heh, alright!

(Just as they're about to leave, the Lightning and Wind Dragons appear out of nowhere. Jay and Trey instinctively jump off the ruin with the support of his gliders while his fellow comrades follow suit. Upon seeing the ninja escape, laughs evilly as things going according to plan. The ninja escape to the Forest of Tranquility, where they are celebrating as Wu meditates.)

Trey Walker II Zane Julien x Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora