Episode 39: Spy For a Spy

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(The eliminated Elemental Masters are back at the factory.)

Cole: (He whistles.)

Karlof: Why you whistling? Yesterday Cole was sad. Not today. What changed?

Cole: Things are looking up, Karlof. We came here to find a friend, and I found him. All I gotta do now is get Zane and bust him out.

Karlof: Not so easy. Chen's made it nearly impossible to escape this place.

Cole: I'm still working out the details, but Zane's a Nindroid, a walking computer. If I can get to him, he'll solve anything Chen throws at us in no time.

Karlof: (He groans.) Karlof wished he had friend like that.

Cole: But first order of business, I gotta let the others know I'm busting him out. (He puts a piece of paper in a fortune cookie.)

Karlof: You put message in cookie?

Cole: I know, right? That's why it's called a fortune cookie.

Karlof: Well, if you get out, don't forget about Karlof.

Cole: Yeah, sure. Of course. (He turns to an Anacondrai Cultist.) Special order for the banquet's ready.

Karlof: I hope you have the good fortune for it to end up in the right hands.

Cole: You and me both, Karlof. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get out of here.

Zugu: Aah. (He tries to grab a cookie, but the Cultists stops him. Cole sees that Zugu has keys he could use to break Zane out.)

(Nya and Dareth watches as Chen's Kabuki goes inside the palace.)

Nya: All right, Dareth. Let's move in.

Dareth: Wait a minute. (He leads her back to the D.B Express.) Have I ever told you that I am master of disguise? (He opens a makeup kit.)

Nya: Is that makeup?

Dareth: No, no, this is the master of disguise kit.

Nya: No, no.

Dareth: Get ready to go undercover. (He puts makeup on Nya.) Oh, yeah. Oh, that. Oh, perfect. Oh. (Nya coughs.) Presenting Miss Kabuki. Yeah!

Nya: What? How did you manage to change my clothes?

Dareth: A true ninja never reveals his secrets. You should know that, Nya. Hmm.

(The Kabuki serve the fighters food.)

Chen: Try the horned wasp eggs. Delicious!

Lloyd: Uh, I think I'll pass.

Chen: Oh, lighten up, Green Ninja. This isn't a trick. This is a feast to celebrate the nine of you making it to the second round. (The Kabuki laugh.) And I must congratulate the Master of Shadow's defeat over Master of Poison. She was a bit hard to swallow, am I right? (The Kabuki laugh again.) Laugh harder! Hahahaha! (They force a harder laugh.)

Kai: You can relax, Lloyd. Even if there was a fight, now that we told the others about Chen's dirty plot to steal our Powers, we're safe in our secret alliance.

Griffin: I tried to enlist , but that dude's throwing some serious shade.

Trey: He was always shady in the Resistance, Turner. Maybe he had a Shady past. Oh, wait, he always had one.

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