Episode 49: Peek-A-Boo

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(Kai grunts as he tries to use to reach a flag on the Bounty.)

Kai: Seriously! (He tries again, but misses.)

Ronin: (He lies down next to the flag.) Aww, just short. Like your temper, Kai.

Jay: Let me try. I'm for sure better Airjitzuer than you, Kai.

Kai: Oh, yeah? And when did that happen?

Jay: Like, now! (He misses the flag and screams as he falls.)

Kai: (Sarcastically) Oh, yeah. That was so much better than me.

Jay: It...it was.

Ronin: That wasn't Airjitzu, that was Failitzu.

Kai: Or Stupiditzu.

Wu: To master the powers of Airjitzu, we must uplift, not put each other down, Ronin.

Ronin: (He takes a bite of an apple.) You close shop for a week, you gotta let me have some fun. Aren't supposed to be precise?

Kai: (He sighs.) These new gis are heavy. Why can't we just use our old ones?

Wu: These are embedded with Deepstone. They will protect you from being possessed.

Jay: Yeah, well, maybe the name "Airjitzu" isn't uplifting enough. Maybe we need something more inspiring, like...Cyclondo! (He flies above the flag.)

Ronin: Miss. Again. (Jay takes his apple instead.) Hey!

Jay: (He laughs.) Cyclondo. (He takes a bite.) Mm.

(Trey spots Cole inside the Bounty, not training with the others.)

Trey: Hey.

Cole: (He looks back at him but turns away due to a blush on his face. Sadly.) Hey.

Trey: Don't feel like training?

Cole: In case you haven't heard, I'm a Ghost. And don't tell me we can fix this 'cause we can't. This is just...who I am now. (He tries to hold a cup, but his hand passes through it.) Ugh. I don't feel anything anymore.

Trey: Sensei told us our paths in life are never a straight line. Take Nya for instance, She thought she was always destined to be Samurai X, but now she's training to become the Water Ninja  no matter how horribly awful she is at that. All I know is, ninja never quit!

Cole: But I'm not a ninja anymore. I'm a Ghost.

Trey: Then what do you do? I think that's something you have to answer on your own.

Kai: Misako's about to debrief us about the next clue.

Trey: We'll be there in a moment.

Kai: And Trey, that color suits you well. Almost the exact same as Cole's.

Treu: Thanks. It's my favorite color.

Cole: No, Trey. Thank you, for being such a great friend. (As they embrace, Cole's hand briefly becomes human. The two of them then blushed with neither person noticing.)

(The ninja go down into the briefing room.)

Misako: Now that both Morro and you have Airjitzu, it's time to turn our attention to the second clue: the Sword in the Cloud.

Zane: (In a pirate accent.) Me senses tell me it could be many a swords. Thar be the Fire Sword, the Sword of Destiny, the Golden Cutlass...

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