Episode 37: Versus

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 (Zane walks, but falls into a cave, where he whimpers out of fear.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Zane? Are you still there? (Zane looks to see where the voice is coming from but sees his Falcon.) If you can hear me, wake up. You need to wake up.

Zane: (He wakes up, chained to a wall, revealing it's just a dream.) It was only a dream.

P.I.X.A.L.: It's amazing you dream. I've always wondered what it's like. You've always been special.

Zane: Where am I? Who are you?

P.I.X.A.L.: I'm P.I.X.A.L., a friend. And you're in danger and have to get out of here. Your memory drive is out of sorts and your Elemental Power—

Zane: Elemental Power?

P.I.X.A.L.: You're a Nindroid, Zane, a ninja. And your friends and boyfriend are here to save you. But they can't do it all. You have to remember who you are.

Zane: Friends? And my... boyfriend?

P.I.X.A.L.: Remember, Zane. You saved your friends and your boyfriend then rebuilt yourself. There are things about you that you don't understand. That you have yet to discover. But if we're ever going to get out of here, you have to remember.

Zane: P.I.X.A.L. Trey, you and I are compatible?

P.I.X.A.L.: Yes, Zane. Yes, we are.

(At the Samurai X Cave, Nya's rebuilding the Destiny's Bounty.)

Nya: Sure, Jay's cute and funny, and I'm always laughing around him, but everything's about him, and he never takes me seriously. More light, please.

Wu: (He wakes up and turns the flashlight on.) Right. He never takes you seriously.

Nya: Then there's Cole. He's handsome, and I suppose I connect with him on a deeper level, but everything's so serious with him, you know what I mean? Socket wrench.

Wu: (He hands her a tool.) Young emotions are...complicated.

Nya: Sensei, these are needle-nose pliers. I asked for a socket wrench. And could you at least try to impart some wisdom?

Wu: No way. I'm not sticking my finger into that beehive. Misako, any word?

Misako: Nothing. It's been days and still no word from Garmadon or the ninja. I'm worried.

Wu: As am I. It's time we broaden our search.

Nya: Well, then it's a good thing I made a mobile base in case the Destiny's Bounty was ever out of commission. I call it the D.B. Express! Mm, not married to the name.

Misako: Find my family, Nya.

Nya: (She jumps into the D.B. Express.) I'm on my way. (She drives away.)

Wu: Wherever they are, at least my brother is there to guide them.

Misako: This is my husband we're talking about. And that's what worries me.

(At the palace, an Anacondrai Cultist is serving the Elemental Masters food.)

Krait: Next! Nu-uh. Nothing for you.

Garmadon: There's a valuable lesson here, son. If you turn your back on your first in an effort to go straight...

Anacondrai warrior: Next!

Garmadon: ...you may not be served creamy biscuits with honey.

Trey: Wow. That really stings. (Jay laughs.) 

Trey Walker II Zane Julien x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now