Episode 40: Spellbound

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(The Elemental Masters and Garmadon ride on a blimp above the island.)

Jay: What are you looking at, Zippy?

Griffin: The next one out of the tournament.

Jay: Uh, heh.

(Trey and Neuro chuckled when Jay said "Zippy".)

Jay: What? What's so funny?

Nuero: Oh, nothing.

Trey: Yeah, just a little memory brought back.

Mr. Pale: Back when the Resistance first came to be.

Turner: (Sarcastically.) Oh, you mean when you wouldn't stop calling me Zippy just because of my power? (The ninja stared at him for a moment then burst out laughing.)

Kai: You guys actually did that?

Trey: You bet, Fireboy. Well, except Shade of course.

Kai: Speaking of which, (To Shade.) Why so scared to show us your back, Shadow? Worried we're gonna find a tattoo and know you're working for Chen?

Shade: I hope this next fight is between you and me, because I'm gonna put you on your back.

Mr. Pale: (He whistles.)

Skylor: Do you mind?

Garmadon: Tensions are high.

Lloyd: Yeah, not as high as we are now. Can hardly see the island from up here.

Neuro: I've had enough of this. I can't stand heights. Where's Chen? (He opens the door to the control room, but no one's piloting it.) Ugh!

Chen: (On a screen.) How do I know if this thing's on? Oh, oh, oh, I see, the light. Oh, oh, I'm on? Right now? Ahem, ahem. Hello, final nine. I see you are all eager for the tournament to commence so one of you can win my Staff of Elements. Instead of fighting for a Jadeblade, today you will be fighting for something different. (He shows them a video of Nya.)

Kai: Nya.

Skylor: You know her?

Trey: It's his sister.

Chen: We have an uninvited guest on the island.

Kai: And she must be holding the proof that will stop Chen.

Chen: Find her and you will automatically move on...

Trey: The spell he plans to use when he takes our powers.

Chen: ...to the final round!

Jay: He wants us all to hunt her down? She won't stand a chance.

Lloyd: Then we have to find her before anyone else does.

Chen: In ten seconds, the bottom will drop. (Everyone gasps.) But to show you I'm not a bad man, I've given you nine parachutes. (Everyone but Garmadon rushes to grab a parachute.) Sensei Garmadon is there? Shoot, that makes nine. Oh, well, I was never good at math. Heh. Toodle-oo.

Lloyd: That guy's love for trapdoors is seriously getting on my nerves! 

Trey: Mine too! (Everyone falls off.)

Jay: Lloyd, use your energy!

Lloyd: (He tries to, but fails.) I can't! I can't get it to work! (Jay lands on top of Griffin's parachute.)

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