Chapter Two- Sammy / Evan

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A/N: ---> Evan 


        Nervously biting his bottom lip Sammy continued to stare at the large house in front of him, not getting any strength to actually get out of his truck. Today was the first day that he was supposed to start tutoring Evan, if he didn’t pass out beforehand that is. After sitting in his truck for ten more minutes he took a gigantic breath before finally opening his door. Slowly shutting it he pulled his jacket closer to his body before walking up to the front door. Knocking onto the large wooden door he waited until it opened to freak out.

        “Hey,” looking up he saw Evan looking down at him with a soft smile.

        “Hi,” Sammy said while putting his shaking hands into his pockets.

        “Thanks again for doing this,” Evan said while walking towards a larger room.

        Taking a hesitant glance around the large room he said, “Sure,” while sitting down at the large wooden table. Opening his bag he took his Stats book out, softly putting it onto the table. “So I’m going to start with what we first went over in class,” Sammy started saying while opening the book. However his hands started shaking once again when Evan scooted his chair closer to his. Good lord give me strength, he thought while nervously biting his bottom lip once again. After taking a deep shaky breath he forced himself to stare down at the book, and not focus on how good the boy sitting next to him smelled. This is going to be a long night.  


        “So once you multiply by your log you-” He was trying to pay attention, he really was. But unfortunately he was having a hard time with that, since he never knew how great Sammy smelled. His smell was something mixed between flowers and strawberries. He even smelled better than Maci… if that was possible. He had never known that he was capable of having such mixed emotions like the ones that he was experiencing today.

        He was finding that his body was reacting to Sammy’s little body in such a strange way, he felt like he was being pulled towards him. He was hardly even paying attention to what he was saying, which he really should since he doesn’t understand Stats at all. How can someone smell so good?

        Forcing himself to pay attention, he focused his eyes on the book in front of them. Just as he was getting into it, a buzzing sound was filling the dining room. Looking down, he watched as Sammy took his phone out of his pocket, a frown instantly forming on his face. “Everything okay?” Evan asked while watching Sammy type something forcefully onto his phone.

        “It’s my brother, its fine,” he said while shoving the phone back into his pocket, still not looking happy.

        Deciding to drop the subject, he watched as Sammy simply started to talk about Stats once again, still looking a little peeved. After working for a little longer Evan leaned back in his seat before asking, “Thirsty at all?”

        He watched as a blush creeped up onto Sammy’s face, making his face almost turn into a tomato. It was oddly turning Evan on. “Sure,” Sammy whispered, not looking up at all.

        After walking into the kitchen, Evan grabbed two glasses of water before walking back towards the dining room. Stopping in the doorway he watched the way Sammy was leaning back in his chair, his shirt lifting up a tad bit. For some odd reason looking at that small amount of skin was actually making his palms start to sweat. Before he could stop them, he was dropping the glasses, making them fall onto his feet. “Ow,” he muttered when small pieces of glass were splashing onto his bare legs.

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