Chapter Eleven- Sammy

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Breathing heavily through his nose, Sammy angrily looked out his window, not believing that Evan was actually leaving. He was actually leaving, after they kissed! Opening his door he almost ran into Xander, who was sitting out in the hallway. When he looked up he instantly stood up while asking, "Sammy! Are you oka-"

"Not now," Sammy said while running down the stairs and outside. He saw Evan walking towards his car, running his hands through his hair. "So that's it?" He yelled, making Evan stop and slowly turn around. "We kiss, you kissed a guy, and you walk away!?"

He was breathing so hard Sammy was afraid he was going to pass out. He simply could not understand how Evan could just walk away from him. "How could you?" He yelled while rain started to fall from the dark skies above. "Do you not even care at all?"

"Maybe I do!" Evan yelled back, while throwing his hands up into the air. "Maybe that's the problem Sammy!"

"Why? Why Evan?"

"Because you're a guy!" Evan yelled, turning around and putting his hands onto his hips. "Look I've never had feelings towards a guy before, I've always had feelings for girls," he whispered while slowly turning back around as the rain started to fall harder. "So when everything started happening with you, it scared me shitless. I felt like I couldn't risk messing something up with you."

"So you're okay with coming over to my house in the middle of the night, to tell me how much you don't want to be with me?"

Covering his eyes Sammy tried to stop the tears from coming out of his eyes, as his clothes were sticking to his body from the rain. "How is that right?" Slowly opening his eyes he watched Evan sigh while turning to the side.

"It's not right, I'm not right for you Sammy," he said while walking forward and putting his hands on either side of his face. "I'm not, you don't deserve me."

"And how do you know?" Sammy whispered. "You don't even know. And do you know why? Because you'll never try. You'll never try to do something that scares you. You come over to my room in the middle of the night to-"

His rant was cut off when Evan leaned forward and pressed his lips against his. His heart fluttered up into his throat as his eyes closed, while putting his hands on Evan's chest. A soft moan escaped from his mouth while wrapping his arms around Evan's neck, as the taller boy wrapped his arms around his waist.

When he pulled back to breathe a gasp escaped from his lips when Evan's lips ended up onto his neck. Digging his fingers into that strong back, his eyes fluttered closed while he gently rested his head against Evan's shoulder. Looking up he took a shaky breath before pulling Evan back down to him, kissing those lips as rain was falling down harder around them.

As they slowly pulled away from each other, Sammy tried to catch his breath as Evan suddenly picked him up. With his back leaning against Evan's car, his eyes fluttered close once again when a pair of soft lips were making their way onto his neck. Tightening his legs around Evan's waist he buried his fingers into that thick hair before Evan slowly pulled back. "You're scaring me Sammy," Evan whispered into his neck. "These feelings I have won't go away."

Putting his finger on Evan's chin he slowly turned him towards his face while whispering, "Then how about acting on those feelings? If you feel something between us, wouldn't you want to act on that?"

Sighing, Evan looked off to his right while a bolt of lightning lit up the sky. "It's not that easy Sammy. Maci is pregnant, I can't just leave her."

Frowning, Sammy quickly got out of Evan's arms while he started walking back to his house. "I'm an idiot."

"No Sammy..."

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