Chapter Fifteen- Sammy

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Wrapping a blanket closer around his body, Sammy glanced out the dark window while Evan continued to eat his pizza. He was okay with tutoring Evan; however he was not okay with spending the night. Taking a glance over at the football player, he saw Evan blankly staring at the TV. When he saw a piece of piece of cheese on Evan's chin he was about to lean over to wipe it away, but quickly stopped himself.

Resting his head on the back of the couch he started yawning as he watched Evan start to flip through the channels. When the TV stopped on a random channel, he smiled while hearing Christmas music start to play.

"I love this song," Sammy whispered while Michael Bublé's All I Want for Christmas Is You started playing.

"Do you want to dance?" Evan asked as he stood up. Sammy watched as Evan smiled at him while holding his hand out.

Glancing around the empty room he asked, "Here?"

"Why not?"

Biting his bottom lip, he grabbed Evan's hand, laughing when he was pulled into Evan's strong body. "This is silly."

"What's silly is that we're not dancing."

With that they slowly started swaying to the music, as more snow was falling outside. Resting his head onto Evan's shoulder, Sammy closed his eyes as he continued to sway to the music. He started laughing when he was suddenly being dipped. After being lifted back up his smile slowly faded when he realized just how close he was to Evan. He took a shaky breath when he looked into the dark eyes, the ones that were looking directly at him. It was like those eyes were looking into his soul, making him feel all warm and tingly.

Quickly getting out of his arms, Sammy cleared his throat while saying, "I uhm... I'm pretty tired. Is it okay if I go to bed?"

"Sure. I'll show you my room."

"No, no. That's okay, I remember where it is. Goodnight!" With that Sammy quickly ran up the stairs before running into Evan's room.

Leaning against the door he sighed before running a hand over his face. After he composed himself he walked over to the large bed before sitting down in the middle. Glancing down at his hands he sighed before feeling tears start to slowly run down his cheeks. Fiercely running his hands over his face, he tried to make the tears stop. He knew he needed to get over Evan, but he was making it hard for him.

Reaching for the comforter he wrapped it around his body while he started to cry harder. It was a mistake coming here tonight; it was a mistake agreeing to be his tutor once again. Why did he keep allowing himself to be hurt? Burying himself deeper into the bed, he cried himself to a dreamless sleep.


When he opened his eyes the next morning, he sleepily looked out the window to see it was still snowing. Groggily wiping his eyes he slowly got out of bed before slowly opening the door. Peeking his head out into the hallway he started biting his bottom lip, trying to remember where the bathroom was. When he had started to walk down the hallway he suddenly stopped when he heard a familiar voice.

Walking over to the stairs he peeked around the corner to see Maci standing in front of Evan, her large stomach between them. Before he had the chance to turn away her beady little eyes suddenly turned towards him. He stopped in his tracks while she asked, "Why is that here?"

"Be nice," Evan warned before saying, "He's helping me in Calculus."

"Whatever. Just get him out of my sight; he's going to make me sick."

Feeling a tightening feeling in his chest, Sammy suddenly ran down the steps. Running past everyone, he ran out into the cold and towards his truck. "Sammy!" He stopped when he heard the voice that made his heart beat faster, the voice that made his cheeks light up in a blush. "What do you think you're doing?"

Turning around he saw Evan staring at him like he was crazy, which he probably was. "Coming here was a mistake, I know that now. Why should I stay here, some place that I cry myself to sleep? Why?"

Quickly getting into his truck he fumbled around for his keys before hearing Evan yell, "The roads are still icy!"

Not listening, he slowly backed out of the driveway before starting to drive away. Things were going pretty well until his tires suddenly hit an extremely icy patch on the road, making his truck turn in a circle. "Crap, crap," he said while trying to get his truck to stop spinning.

When it finally stopped he sighed in relief, briefly resting his head against the seat. Wiping his hands over his face he couldn't stop the tears from falling from his eyes. He was an idiot, why did he ever think Evan would want to be with him?

Holding the necklace that was around his neck, he sighed while thinking of Xander. He knew he was probably a horrible person for liking two people at the same time, but he couldn't stop his feelings. Even if he was with a million other guys in his life, he would always remember Evan.

Suddenly hearing loud honking, Sammy looked up to see a truck coming straight for him. He realized that when he spun out, he had spun into the opposite lane. He didn't have time to try to move his truck, before the truck was suddenly crashing into him.

Everything went black at that moment, as his body was flung back and out onto the road. He laid in the middle of the road, still holding onto his necklace as snow started to cover his body.

It Was Always You (boyxboy) *Completed*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu