Chapter four- Sammy

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"You found me a guy?" Sammy asked while giving Lea a strange look. "What are you talking about?"

"He's perfect!" Lea said while flopping down onto Sammy's bed with a heavy sigh. "He's this new guy that just transferred here from Oregon. He's tall dark and handsome and his name is Xander."

Biting his bottom lip Sammy looked down at his hands while asking, "So how do you know him?"

"He's in my Chemistry class. And lord is he attractive or what. Anyway I started talking to him and of course asked if he was single and he said yes, but that he wasn't for my team. So I said that I had the perfect guy in store."

"Lea, do you really think this is a good idea?"

"It's a great idea. You need to trust me; this will be the way that you can get over Evan."

Staring down at his hands Sammy sighed before saying, "Fine."

He then watched as Lea happily clapped before instantly getting onto her phone. Glancing up at the ceiling he sighed before snuggling up under his blankets, hoping he was doing the right thing.


"Xander, over here!"

Looking up Sammy stopped putting things away in his locker to turn around. His jaw dropped when he saw an extremely attractive guy walking towards them. He had dark curly hair with fierce dark eyes as well as slight facial hair. "Lea," he frantically whispered while pulling on her sleeve.

"What?" She asked while looking over at him.

"This is the guy?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He's too attractive for me."

"Oh stop," she said while slapping him on the back of the head, making him grumble.

When the mysterious Xander walked up to them, Sammy felt very light headed. This guy was ridiculously attractive, what was Lea thinking? "Xander, this is my best friend Sammy."

Sammy watched as Xander turned towards him with a gorgeous smile while saying, "Hello," with a very strong Indian accent.

"Hi," Sammy squeaked while feeling his face grow very hot.

"I will see you around okay?" Xander said while smiling at both of them while the bell rang above them.

Sammy watched him walk down the hallway, not being able to keep his eyes off that ass. When he was out of sight he slapped Lea on the arm while saying, "What is wrong with you? You can't just spring an extremely attractive man on me! God did you see him?"

"I did, and I see him now. He's right behind you," she said with a smirk.

Feeling his face heat up, Sammy slowly turned around to see Xander smiling down at him. Let me die, he thought while looking at that smiling face. "I'm sorry; I forgot something in my locker."

Burying his face into his hands, Sammy tried to tune out the slight laughter of his best friend while wanting to die at the same time. Before he could wallow even more he suddenly felt a hand being placed onto the small of his back while he heard, "You're extremely attractive too."

Looking up he saw Xander give him one last smile before he disappeared back down the hallway.

"Oh my god," he groaned while he heard,

"You know you love me."

Glancing up at her he nodded before chasing her down the hallway. Both laughing, they ended up running into their next class, happy and giggling.

It Was Always You (boyxboy) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now