Chapter Fourteen- Evan

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"Well well, look what the cat drug in," Sasha said while crossing his arms over his chest.

Sighing, Evan dug his hands into his pockets before saying, "Can you please not bite my head off?"

"I have every right to."

"I know, I know I treated Sammy like shit. I swear I'm not completely a douche."

He watched as Sasha leaned against the door, not looking convinced. When he realized this conversation was slowly stopping he said, "Look we both don't like each other, that's pretty obvious. Can you just let me by? I really need to ask Sammy something."

"First off, what gives you the right to just come over here, thinking everything is magically okay? And secondly, he isn't here, he's with Xander I think."

Feeling his face fall, Evan took a few steps back before saying, "Oh. Since when did you start acting like a brother? If I remember correctly, you used to treat Sammy like a piece of shit."

"Times change, people change, you're a prime example of that. When you messed Sammy up so badly, it made me realize just how crappy of a brother I've been to him ever since our mom died. And now that I'm actually back in his life I don't want to see you mess him up again. Oh, and I know you were the one who gave him that necklace. Just can't stay away from him can you? Even though you knocked some chick up."

Just before he was about to tell him off, Evan turned around when he heard tires. Looking behind him he saw Sammy's truck slowly come down the long driveway. When he got out, Evan felt butterflies erupt in the pit of his stomach, a feeling he wished would go away.

He shouldn't be feeling this way about Sammy, when he was having twins with someone else. It was wrong, and he needed this feeling to stop. However when he took one glance at Sammy's innocent face, he knew that feeling was probably never going to go away.

When Sammy looked up, he watched him suddenly look up at him. Glancing back at Sasha, he saw him still leaning against the wall, raising an eyebrow at him. By the time he turned around once again Sammy was on the porch next to him, shyly moving his hair out of his eyes. "Hi," Evan said while giving him a small smile.

"Hi," Sammy said.

"Is it okay if I talk to you?" Turning around he gave Sasha a look before saying, "Alone."

"You're not allowed to go in his room."

Deciding not to argue with him, he simply sighed before nodding. Following the twins into the house, he breathed a sigh of relief when Sasha walked into the kitchen. He followed Sammy over to a couch, where they sat down on each end.

Evan didn't realize they had been sitting in silence for a while until Sammy cleared his throat before saying, "So, you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah, sorry. I was just wondering if you would mind tutoring me in Calculus. You see-"


"I'm really bad at math, and it looks like I fail this one. You really helped me before-"


"But I totally understand if you don't feel comfortable, I'm not sure if I would be comfortable either. I just wondered-"


"He's said yes three times now!" Sasha's voice suddenly yelled, making Evan stop talking.

Looking over he saw Sammy sheepishly smiling at him, twiddling his necklace with his thumb and middle finger. "Really? I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable or feel awkward."

"I'd be happy to do; any time I'm able to talk about math is a good time for me."

"Wow, thank you so much Sammy. I'm not sure how I can repay you."

"Bringing me a supreme pizza will be good," Sammy said with a soft chuckle.

Chuckling himself, Evan nodded before slowly standing up. "That I can do. Would you be able to meet up this Friday?"

"Sure, would it be okay if I went over to your house? Sasha is having some of his friends over this Friday."

"Oh, sure. I'll see you then."

Walking towards the front door he turned around to look down at Sammy, wanting to hug him. However he instead gave him his best smile before slowly opening the door. "Bye," he heard Sammy whisper while leaning against the door behind him.

Giving him one last wave he made his way to his car. Once inside he heavily sighed, not understanding why his emotions had to be so fucked up.


When Friday finally rolled around, Evan rushed home after school to make sure his house wasn't a complete disaster. He also went on to brush his teeth three times, before just deciding to take a quick shower. Right as he was done drying himself off he heard a doorbell, making him rush down the stairs. He about tripped when he opened the door. Wow, talk about excited.

Opening the door he saw a smiling Sammy standing in front of him. "Hey," he said while opening the door wider.

"Hi. The roads were starting to get bad so I'm not sure if I can stay that long."

"Okay," Evan said while trying to hide the look of disappointment on his face. Leading Sammy over to the table, he suddenly rushed into his kitchen to get the two pizzas.

Walking back out he set the two large Supremes, making Sammy laugh. "Wow, I was only looking forward to one. This is definitely the best Friday night."

Glancing at his smiling face, he rested his head on his hand while thinking; I'd do anything for you. When he was finally done ogling his tutor he finally started to look down at his Calculus homework, feeling absolutely lost.

After a few hours and many slices of pizza had been eaten, they were suddenly brought out of their studying when Sammy's phone started ringing. "Hey Sasha, what's up? Uh sure."

Evan watched as Sammy was suddenly handing him the phone. "Hello?" He asked into the phone.

"Look, the roads are getting really bad. I don't want Sammy driving in the dark on icy roads. So I want him to stay at your place tonight. Do not touch him, do not look at him, and definitely do not sleep in the same room as him. Do I make myself clear?"

Rolling his eyes, he took a deep breath before saying, "Yes father."

"The snarkyness was not needed. Let me talk to my brother."

With that he handed the phone back to Sammy, who had a lot of different emotions all over his face. "Okay. I will, alright I'll see you later." Hanging up he looked up at him before saying, "Guess I'm staying here tonight."

"Guess so," Evan whispered while looking into his eyes, not knowing if this was going to be a good thing or not. 

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