Chapter Thirteen- Sammy/ Evan

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After knocking a couple times on Xander's door, Sammy continued to bite his bottom lip before watching the door open. "Sammy, hey." He smiled when Xander leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. "What's up?"

About to break up with you. "N-nothing, I just wanted to see if I could borrow your History notes?" Wow that was lame.

"Of course you can. Nice necklace by the way, where'd you get it?"

Looking down, Sammy's eyes widened when he realized he never took the necklace off. "Oh um Sasha gave it to me."

He watched as Xander handed him a blue notebook while gently smiling at him. "That was nice, I'm really glad you guys are getting along."

"Me too."

Grabbing the notebook from him he started biting his bottom lip again, while Xander was giving him a strange look. "Are you okay Sammy?"

"What? Oh, yeah. Thanks for these notes; I'll give them back to you later."

"Take as long as you need."

Deciding to go against his original plan, he gave Xander a quick hug before running back to his truck. He knew it wasn't fair that he was wearing Evan's necklace while he was still with Xander.

When he got home he plopped face first down onto his bed, feeling like the worst person on the planet.


"What about this one?"

It had been two weeks since he had given Sammy the necklace, and every single day Sammy has been wearing it. Why did that small action make butterflies swarm in the pit of his stomach?


Even though it still made him frown seeing Sammy with Xander, but he was happy Sammy was happy. He knew he needed to keep his distance from him anyway; he was going to be a father soon. He shouldn't be thinking about someone he might have feelings for.


Oh who was he kidding? He had feelings for Sammy, hardcore feelings. But he couldn't just abandon Maci, that didn't seem like the right thing to do. Getting a girl knocked up before graduating high school wasn't a good thing either. But it was his responsibility and he wasn't just going to run away from his problems. Even though he would much rather raise a baby with Sammy than Maci.


Snapping back into the present he looked up to see Maci staring at him, holding two different outfits in front of him. "What?"

"Which one do you like?"

"Oh uh, the one with the ducks."

"Good, me too. Now come on, we don't want to be late for the doctors appointment!"

Groaning in his head, he let her pull him towards his car before making the long drive to the office. Once inside he barely listened to what anyone was saying, until he heard the word twins.

Looking up he saw the nurse pointing to two small little things inside of Maci, making his face drop. "Twins?"

"Congratulations!" The nurse said while she started happily talking to Maci.

I thought one baby was going to be rough, he thought while putting his head into his hands. I wish Sammy was here.


By the time Valentine's Day rolled around, Evan was sick of all kinds of relationships. All he had to listen to these days was talk about the girls, and what to name them. Where they should go to school. When they should date. Fuck if he knew, he was still a kid himself!

When he was walking towards the cafeteria he saw two girls selling roses. Walking up to them he grabbed a single rose before dropping a dollar onto the table. Turning away from the cafeteria he ended up outside, placing the rose gently onto Sammy's windshield.

After school let out for the day he stuck around to watch Sammy walk outside before stopping in his tracks. He picked up the rose, smiling widely, and brought it up to his nose.


Jumping, he looked up to see Teddy smiling at him. "Don't do that."

"What, scare you when you're completely undressing Sammy with your eyes?" Teddy asked while wiggling his dark eyebrows.

Rolling his eyes he turned back towards Sammy, smiling when he saw him holding the rose close to his chest while he got into his truck. Turning back towards Teddy he started walking away when he saw him still wiggling his eyebrows. "Still lusting over him?"

"I'm not lusting over him; nothing is going on between us."

"But that can change, you know."

"I don't want it to."

Once reaching his locker he saw Teddy give him a strange look while asking, "Why?"

"I can't, I need to focus on Maci and the girls."

"Heads up," Teddy suddenly whispered while Mr. Brown, his Calculus teacher, walked up to him.

"Good, I caught you."

"Is everything okay?" Evan worriedly asked.

He watched his teacher hand a paper to him, which happened to be their latest test. "Evan, you're going to need a tutor if you want to pass this class."

Glancing down at the paper he frowned when seeing 45% written in bright red ink. Great. Giving his teacher a final smile he watched him leave before turning back towards Teddy. "Why do I have to suck at math so much?"

"Well, you know what you could do."


"Ask someone to tutor you, the same someone you gave a necklace to."

With that Teddy walked away, lightly patting his shoulder as he passed him. Looking at the math test, he sighed while walking out to his car. Taking a deep breath he drove to Sammy's house, feeling his heart race when remembering the last time he was here.

Getting out of his car he walked up to the door before ringing the doorbell. His heart started beating faster when he was suddenly face to face with a very pissed off looking Sasha. Great.

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