Epilogue- Sammy/ Evan

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A/N: this is it! The final chapter. Thank you to everyone who has read this, I've really enjoyed writing this story. Maybe I'll add some bonus chapters later on, but for now, here is the end:)


"Flynn, stop!" Loudly laughing, Sammy tried to wiggle his way away from his boyfriend, who was laughing as well. When his body was suddenly being pinned on the ground he smiled up at those green eyes before wrapping his arms around Flynn's neck and pulling him down to his level. Resting his lips onto the ones he loved, he felt his heart start beating a million miles a minute.

Sammy absolutely loved the man who was currently on top of him, even though at times it felt like something was still missing. That thought made him nervous at times, and quite confused. Why is he still not sure of what he wants in his life, or how he feels?

After attending MIT for his graduate school, becoming closer with Sasha and his father, Sammy couldn't understand why he still wasn't satisfied. He felt like a horrible person at times, because he simply could not figure out what he wanted anymore.

An alarm was suddenly beeping from beside his head, making his groan. Turning towards Flynn, Sammy watched as he hit the alarm on the alarm clock while saying, "I wish I could finish kissing your sweet lips."

"I wish so too," Sammy said with a frown. He watched as Flynn got up off the bed and started to put his scrubs on. It was definitely hard dating someone who was always at the hospital, yet he didn't want to say anything for the fear of being too clingy.

"I'll call you when I go on break okay?" Flynn whispered while leaning down to kiss Sammy.

"Okay," Sammy said while watching him leave the room, making him frown. Snuggling back up into his blanket, he softly yawned before letting his eyes close once again.

When he slipped back into a deep sleep, he didn't wake back up until his phone was ringing. Sleepily opening his eyes he reached for the phone, grumbling while he answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, did I wake you?" Flynn's voice asked while lots of voices were heard in the background.

"Mmm yeah but that's okay."

"Maybe I have something that will make you happy. My boss is having a party tonight, do you want to go?"

Rubbing his eyes, Sammy sleepily yawned before saying, "Sure."

"Awesome. I'll pick you up around 6 okay?"

"Okay," Sammy whispered while his eyes slowly closed once again, before he drifted back off to a dreamless sleep.


Looking at the beautiful house in front of him, Sammy took in all the people around him. He wasn't one for parties, but he didn't want to make Flynn mad if he said no. Getting out of the car, he followed Flynn into the house to see it was basically a mansion. Good lord, he thought while staring all around the house, not believing it was real.

"Hey Flynn!" Turning around, Sammy watched as Flynn was suddenly walking away, leaving him awkwardly standing by himself.

As he started to fade into the background, he turned around before slowly starting to walk around the large house. Walking towards the kitchen he smiled at everyone walking by him, trying to seem social. He was simply not in the mood to be around all these people, especially people he didn't even know.

After grabbing one of the water bottles from the kitchen, Sammy started walking outside, instantly feeling happy when he was in the fresh air. Slowly starting to yawn once again, he suddenly woke up when he felt cold rain starting to hit his skin. Looking around the large yard he quickly ran to a local gazebo, heavily sighing when he was safely under the roof.

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