Chapter Seven- Evan

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Slowly opening his eyes Evan glanced around the dark room, yawning. When he felt a weight on his chest he looked down to see a sleeping Sammy snuggled up into him. Smiling he gently moved some hair out of Sammy's face, watching his peaceful face. When Sammy turned around to snuggle into the pillow beneath him Evan slowly got out of the bed, desperate for some water.

Opening the door he walked down the stairs, walking into multiple different rooms before he found the kitchen. After he found a cup he was able to fill it with water before he heard a throat clear behind him. Turning around he saw an older man leaning against the door, a white doctor's coat on. "You might be?" The man asked.

"I'm Evan, Sammy's friend."

The man nodded while walking into the room and turning on the coffee pot. "And by friend you mean..."

Raising an eyebrow Evan leaned against the counter behind him while saying, "I mean friends. He's tutoring me in Statistics."

"And you just happen to be standing in my kitchen at three thirty in the morning."

"We were studying late and I fell asleep."

He watched the man give a small smile before taking his coat off and grabbing a mug. "Just be safe, it's bad enough I have one son who probably has a million STD's, I don't want Sammy to end up like that."

"Wh... what are you talking about?"

Evan watched as the man poured a cup of coffee before sitting down at the kitchen table. "Sammy's very innocent, if you're going to be with him please don't hurt him. He's sensitive; he's become overly sensitive ever since his mother died. His mother and myself always had a hunch that he might've been gay, we were simply waiting for him to come out to us. Looks like he's finally come out of the closet."

"Mr. Pearl, no offense or anything, but I'm not dating your son. He really is only my tutor, as well as my friend. He's a great person," Evan said while sitting next to Sammy's father at the table.

"Well I'm glad he has another friend, I was worried his only friend was Lea. It's good that he's socializing with others now. I feel bad that my schedule has been so crazy lately."

"I know he misses you," Evan said while taking a sip from his water.

"I miss him too. Him and Sasha, more than they know." He then took another sip of his coffee before looking up at Evan. "I like you, you seem like a good guy. Sammy needs a good guy in his life, so you better not hurt him."

Laughing Evan nodded before saying, "I won't."

"Good. Goodnight..."

"Evan, Evan Dillon," he said while shaking his hand.

"Goodnight Evan," Mr. Pearl said while getting up and putting his cup into the sink. "Keep your hands above his waist."

Evan rolled his eyes while smiling as he watched him leave the room. When he was done with his water he started making his way back up the stairs, stopping when the door opened behind him. Turning around he saw Sasha walking through the front door, his face looking just like Sammy's. "What are you doing here? Sleeping with my brother?" He asked while leaning against the railing.

"What's your deal? Why do you have to be so mean to Sammy all the time?" Evan asked while wrapping his arms over his chest.

"What's it to you?" Sasha asked before shoving him while walking up the stairs.

"Sasha, can't you just be nice to him?"

Evan watched as Sasha turned around, to glare down at him. It was weird to see someone look so similar to Sammy. Even though they looked the same, there were differences between them. Sammy was a quiet and gentle man, who giggled when his sides were tickled and who gave warm hugs. Sasha on the other hand was mean and disrespectful, how could siblings be so different?

He watched as Sasha marched up to him before angrily saying, "It's none of your business. Why don't you go suck a dick or something?"

"Is that really the only thing you think gay men do?"

"I don't know, you can tell me though."

"I'm not gay."

"Yeah, that's like saying Neil Patrick Harris is straight," Sasha said while rolling his dark eyes.

Giving a heavy sigh Evan watched Sasha angrily shove past him once again, before disappearing down the hallway. Shaking his head he made his way up the rest of the stairs before slowly opening Sammy's door. Walking over to the bed he gently got into the bed, sighing contently when Sammy wrapped his smaller arms around him. "I thought you left," Sammy sleepily whispered into his chest.

"I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere."

"Good because you're warm."

Smiling Evan wrapped his arms tighter around Sammy's smaller body while burying his face into his warm shoulder. His thoughts wandered back to Sasha, there had to be a reason why he was so mean to people, especially his brother. Hopefully he would figure it out eventually. For now, he was content with snuggling up with Sammy, listening to his heavy breathing.


"Which button do you press to kill people again?" Sammy asked while staring blankly at the controller in his hand.

Pausing the game, Evan turned towards Sammy, using his arm wrapped around his shoulders to point to the button. "This big circular one."

"There's a lot of circular ones," Sammy said while leaning against Evan's arm.

Laughing, Evan smiled while watching Sammy continue to struggle. "Okay remember, the circular one is to shoot and the square one is to go back."

"This seems too confusing, I'll watch you," Sammy said before climbing up into Evan's lap.

"Make sure to take notes," Evan said while wrapping his arms around Sammy's small body, making sure he was comfortable.

"Of course."

When he started playing the game once again he smiled when Sammy leaned his body back against his. "Watch out for that one!" Sammy suddenly yelled while pointing to the screen. "Ahh! There's one hiding behind that wall! Die zombie, die!"

Laughing, Evan paused the game before putting the controller into his hands. "Let's try this again okay? You know what to do."

"I don't think I can do this."

"Of course you can, if I can understand Stats you can understand how to shoot a zombie in the head. Ready?"

He watched as Sammy slowly nodded while biting his bottom lip. Resting his hands against Sammy's stomach, Evan rested his head against Sammy's shoulder. "Did you see that? I killed that one!"

"I knew you could do it."

When Sammy killed five in a row he happily lifted his arms into the air, his excited giggling bouncing off the walls. Looking at his excited face Evan started tickling his sides, smiling when he heard Sammy's laughter fill his ears. He ended up leaning over him, not being able to keep the smile off his face. When Sammy's laughter finally started to die down Evan took a look at his face, the face that he had gotten so used to.

Before he could open his mouth a ringing sound was filling the room. He watched as Sammy grabbed his phone from his pocket, still breathing heavily. "Hello? ..... Oh hey Xander."

Feeling a frown form onto his face, Evan slowly sat up while listening to the one sided conversation. When he was off the phone Sammy turned towards him while saying, "Xander and Lea are going to the movies. I guess they're going to see one of the new scary ones. I'll talk to you later."

"Wait," Evan said, suddenly not knowing what to say. He didn't particularly want to be around Xander, but he didn't want Sammy to be alone in a theatre with him. "Can I come?"

"Sure, you can see me hide behind the popcorn bucket," Sammy said with a giggle while standing up.

Or you can hide behind me, Evan thought before shaking his head. "Come on, I'll drive." This movie will be interesting.

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