Chapter Eight- Sammy/ Evan

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Walking into the theatre, Sammy smiled while seeing Lea and Xander leaning against the wall. Running up to his best friend he wrapped his arms around her while giving a small smile to Xander. "What's he doing here?" Lea asked while nodding towards Evan, who was giving Xander a dirty look.

        "He wanted to come. It would've been rude to say no, right?"

        "He wanted to come?" She asked while raising her eyebrow. "Interesting."

        Before he was able to respond to her Xander was grabbing his hand while walking into the theatre. "Are you excited to see this movie?" He asked in his thick accent.

        Nervously rubbing the back of his neck, Sammy nodded while saying, "Uh yeah sure. Can't wait."

        When they walked into the theatre, he followed Xander to the very back row, watching as Evan sat down next to him. Oh geez, he thought while biting his bottom lip. "Want some popcorn?" Evan's deep voice was suddenly asking from beside him.

        "Sure, thanks," Sammy said while giving him a small smile. After he grabbed some popcorn he glanced up to see Evan still looking at him. Even though it was dark in the theatre, he hoped it was dark enough that Evan wasn't able to see his cheeks blushing bright red. Clearing his throat he turned back towards the screen, feeling his heart beating like crazy.

        When the movie started he happened to glance down to see both Xander and Evan's hands resting on the arm rests on either side of him. The lights were suddenly dimming even more, making him squish back into his seat as far as possible. "Is it okay if I hold that popcorn?" He asked when the movie was starting. "I need something to hold."

        "Of course," Evan said while placing the bucket in his lap.

        When he took his hand away it lightly brushed up against Sammy's arm, making goosebumps form all over his body. Tightly holding his arms around the bucket of popcorn he sighed while glancing back up at the screen. All of a sudden Xander was wrapping his arm around his shoulders, earning a not so happy sound from Evan next to him.

        Glancing up he smiled while looking at his tan face before slowly looking to his right. He watched as Evan was staring at the screen, his hands balled up into fists. Gently placing his smaller hand on top of Evan's fist, he smiled up at him before those dark eyes were angrily looking over at him. Quickly retracting his hand away he slunk further back into his seat, a frown making its way onto his face.



How dare him have his arm around Sammy like that? Evan thought while angrily glaring at the large screen. This is stupid, this shouldn't even be making me upset, why am I so upset? Sighing he stood up before exiting the theatre. Once he was out in the lobby he leaned up against the wall before hearing footsteps walk towards him. Looking up he saw Lea walking over to him, leaning against the wall next to him. "Want to tell me why you stormed off when Xander put his arm around Sammy?" Rolling his eyes he shoved his hands into his pockets while saying,

        "What are you talking about? I didn't storm off."

        "Could've fooled me," she said while crossing her arms over her chest. When they were silent for a while he sighed while gently rubbing his forehead. "I know you care about him," she quietly said.

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