Chapter Five- Sammy/ Evan

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 Fiercely rubbing his eyes, Sammy continued to ignore Evan, still not believing that he was actually going to spend the night. "Ow," he angrily whispered when he rubbed his eye too hard, momentarily forgetting about the black eye on his face.

        "Here, let me." Looking up he saw Evan walking over to him before sitting down onto the bed in front of him. He watched as Evan gently touched a wet towel to his eye, making him wince and close his eyes. "I'm sorry if I'm hurting you."

        Slowly opening his eyes he saw dark brown ones staring back at him. Frowning he quickly looked back down at the blanket around his legs, hating the way his heart was beating out of control. "If you want to take a shower you can," Evan suggested while standing up and grabbing a pair of clothes.

        "Thanks," Sammy mumbled while taking the clothes and wandering into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, he sighed while leaning against the door. When his heart had finally returned to normal he stepped into the shower, closing his eyes when the warm water hit his skin.

        After getting out of the shower he dried himself off before slipping on the clothes Evan had given him. When he looked at himself in the mirror he bit his lip while taking in the large clothes on his body. Lifting his arm up to his nose he inhaled a deep breath, happily sighing when the smell of his favorite football player filled his nose.

        Walking out into the room he awkwardly held his clothes in his hands while biting his bottom lip. When Evan looked up he watched him jump up from the bed while saying, "You're welcome to stay in my bed for the night, I wouldn't want a guest sleeping on the couch."

        "No, that's okay. I don't want you to have to sleep on the couch."

        "Sammy, you're not sleeping on the couch. Okay?" Evan asked while raising an eyebrow.

        "Okay," Sammy quietly said while taking a glance over at the large bed.

        Putting his clothes into his book bag he wrapped his arms around himself while he heard Evan say, "I'll be downstairs if you need anything okay?"

        Nodding, he watched Evan slowly walk out of the room. When he was gone Sammy finally let the tears he had been holding in for a while finally escape. Crawling under the comfortable blankets he cried into the pillow, crying more when his eye started to hurt more.

        Why did Sasha have to hate him so much? He was terrified to go to school, terrified because he had no idea what Sasha had planned. What if he told everyone, what if everyone made fun of him? Also what if people started treating Evan differently?

        Sammy started crying more when thunder was suddenly booming from outside, making him shake in fear. Thunderstorms had always scared him, ever since he was little. When him and Sasha were 9, Sasha had made a bet with him that he wouldn't be able to spend ten minutes outside in a storm. Of course he had tried, and of course he was terrified being outside. Sammy remembered the way he ran back inside, crying over to his mother.

        He also remembered the day his mother died. Sitting next to her body, he remembered the way she smiled at him one last time. He remembered the horrible storm that was going on outside, as well as the horrible storm going on inside of his mind. He would never remember the way that lightning started striking right outside of the hospital window, the moment that his mother took her final breath.

        Snuggling up deeper into his pillow Sammy cried harder, hating everything that had happened to him today. When thunder boomed right outside his window, he whimpered while pulling the blanket up over his head. Please let me get through this night, he thought while closing his eyes tighter. 

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