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"and a one, two, ready, go!"

"those are words i never want to hear again." you leaned your head on yachi's shoulder while semi and saeko started playing again.

for the seventh time today

"my ears are dying." you complained when the two guitarist started playing again.

"we're almost done." reon said as he watched the other two. tendou had his head resting on top of his drums and his drumsticks in his hair.

ushijima was nodding along to the music, not minding the loudness.

you started to hit your drumsticks against your knees while waiting for the two guitarists to finish.

reon and kiyoko were like the teachers and were taking notes on both of their playing styles. you were ready to leave.

"okay semi, you're getting better at playing your own style. saeko stop trying to overplay semi." reon said and looked thought his notes.

"no let her." you said and saeko winked at you while semi scowled for the hundredth time today.

"the more you try and play over semi the louder the both of you are gonna get. that's gonna end up with you two playing over the both of us or one of our drummers wrecking their drums." reon gestured to you and tendou.

"i think they'll end up breaking at least one of their drums." kiyoko said and looked between you and tendou.

"probably." you both said at the same time then looked at each other in disgust for actually agreeing to something.

"are we done?" semi asked.

"for today." kiyoko nodded.

and the second the word left her mouth, you, semi, and tendou got up and started cleaning up.

"leave all your stuff here, we're coming back tomorrow anyway." reon said. semi put his guitar in his case and propped it up against the wall.

you and tendou kept your drumsticks with you while everyone left. yachi claimed shotgun and was already inside the car. kiyoko and reon were talking about you guys, leaving the rest of you standing and staring at each other.

"stop staring." semi was the first to speak up.

"you're the one staring." you said. "im glaring."

"and that's not the same thing?"

"it's completely different." you opened the trunk of the car and sat inside of it.

"no it's not."

"okay." you grabbed a marker and started to draw on the drumstick. semi continued staring at you, analyzing you. ushijima was in the car and tendou was standing next to semi.

"you draw on them?" tendou asked and you didn't look up.

you were then hit in the head with a drumstick.


"you draw on them?" he repeated.



you gave him a weird look before returning to your drawing. "i don't understand how this is gonna work out." saeko sighed.

"i don't either." you admitted and glanced up at the guys. "why do they have to stare all the time?"

"because we're hot." saeko threw her arm over my shoulders and blew a kiss over at the guys. tendon and semi looked away and saeko blew a raspberry of them. "how rude."

"very rude." you nodded and started to tap your drumsticks against your knees again. "i think you're hot."

"and I think you're hot." saeko got out of the trunk and got into the backseat of the car. tendou opened the door to his van and went inside while semi stayed outside.

he was still staring


you waited for kiyoko and reon to finish talking, ignoring semi's gaze. "what's your problem?" you finally spoke up.

"I don't have one." semi answered.

"then stop staring."

"I'll do what I want."

"we're supposed to get along for the next couple months." you reminded him.

"seems complicated."

"then put in an effort." you stopped hitting your knees and got out of the trunk.

"like I said, i'll do what I want." he pushed himself off the van and stood up straight.

"come on." reon shoved semi into the car and kiyoko placed a hand on your shoulder. "we're coming back tomorrow."

"oh joy." semi said, his voice was laced with sarcasm.

"what were we in our past life?" you asked when you got into the car. "gaston and the beast?"

"you guys will get along sooner or later." kiyoko turned the car engine on and looked into the rearview mirror.

"you sound like a mother who's child just fought someone at the playground." saeko said and started to unwrap a lollipop.

"you guys all act like children." kiyoko drove ahead of rein's van and got onto the road.

"hey at least we're trying." you defended yourself. "they're not."

"we're all trying here y/n." kiyoko sighed. "it isn't easy trying to get your music and playing styles to sound good together you know."

"we're thankful for dealing with that." yachi spoke up.

"yeah thanks." saeko nodded.

"thank you."

"just don't end up throw drumsticks and guitar picks at each other." kiyoko said.

"tendou already threw one at me!" you leaned forward and grabbed kiyoko's seat.

"what?" kiyoko turned around when she reached a red light.

"when you and reon were talking. i was just calmly drawing on my drumstick and then I end up getting hit on the head with one!" you informed her.

"okay see, when that happens don't hesitate to throw one back." she told you and you grinned at saeko.

"i got approval." you cheered and noticed reon's van from next to kiyoko's.

tendou and semi were talking and semi was the first to notice you. he said something to tendou that made him turn around. they both smirked at you and saeko noticed where you were looking at.

tendou stuck out his tongue and semi flipped the both of you off. you and saeko did the same thing back and the light had turned green. before the cars turned in different directions semi caught your eye and sent you a wink.

"did he just wink at you?" saeko asked in surprise as the cars turned in different directions.

"he's weird like that." you said and sat back down in your seat.

"they're both weird." saeko said and rested her head against the window.

"very weird."

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now