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semi woke up the next morning with extra weight on him and an empty spot next to him. he didn't want to open his eyes and just dragged his arm around the bed where you were supposed to be.

then he felt something pressing against his skin that was getting a little ticklish. his eyes opened to find you sitting on his lap while he laid on his back.

"what are you doing?" he asked in a raspy voice, still trying to process what was happening.

"coloring your tattoos." you replied and he nodded for a few seconds before his eyes fully snapped open.

"what?" he looked down at one of his tattoos and saw marker ink outlining it.

"it's washable, don't worry." you said and he propped himself up on his elbows to get a better look.

"having fun?" he questioned and laid back down, keeping his eyes on you while you drew over his chest.

"loads. i should've done this earlier."

"am i your personal coloring book now?"


"are you gonna help me clean this off?" your eyes snapped up to meet his. "i mean, it's only fair. you caused this mess, you clean it." semi's hands slipped down to your waist that was covered in his t-shirt.

he could never get enough of you wearing his clothes.

"if you want me to." you shrugged before returning to coloring his tattoo. semi frowned at the sight of you paying more attention to his chest than to him and sat up, making the marker push harder against his skin. "hey-"

"i want you." your eyes widened and you glanced down at his lap.

"you had me." you said and looked back into his eyes. "literally last night. i think i'm still sore.."

"to clean this off me." he continued and his eyebrows raised at the mention of you being sore. "did i fuck you too hard last night, sweetheart?" his fingers lightly skimmed over your thigh, his voice more teasing than concerned.

"let's get you into the shower." you tried to get off him but semi stood up with you thrown over his shoulder.

"i'm not going in unless you're getting in with me." he walked to the bathroom and kicked the door closed with his feet.

"fine. now get into the shower, you big baby."

"i am not a big baby."

"whatever you say."


semi walked downstairs first while you were planning out your outfit. he tried to give you some fashion advice but was kicked out within five minutes.

"hey." ushijima was the first to notice him. "where's y/n?"

"upstairs, picking an outfit." he answered and ran his hand through his hair that was only a little wet since you insisted on drying it with a towel. he wasn't one to stop you so he leaned against the counter while you dried his hair.

"how was your night?" tendou popped up from next to ushijima and gave semi a knowing look.

"it's none of your business." while walking past the couch, semi shoved his hand against tendou's forehead. "and do not mention it to her. she'll get all awkward and flustered."

"i bet you like seeing her all flustered-" ushijima covered tendou's mouth.

"got it." he nodded. "don't mention last night to her."

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now