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"semi eita you absolute bitch!" you shouted when semi splattered paint on you.

"whoops." was all he said before taking the painters tape off.

you flicked your paintbrush at him which resulted in the back of his shirt being spattlered with paint.

"this is my room!"

"you asked me to help!" you dipped the paintbrush back into the paint and held it up in front of you protectively.

"because i thought you would help!"

"that was your first mistake! i was just trying to be nice and you go throwing paint on me."

"this isn't exactly what you call nice is it?" semi also dipped his brush into the paint bucket and flicked it at you.

"you're gonna end up with multicolor walls." you warned.

"I'll take it."





you threw the brush at his face.

semi stood still and let the brush fall to the floor while he stood there with grey paint on his face. you crossed your arms and smiled sweetly at him before getting another brush and dipping it into the pink paint.

"don't do it."

you walked up to him and dragged the brush down his face to his neck. "whoops. did i get a bit of paint on you?"

semi took the brush from your hand and did the same with you. "oh look we're matching." you pointed out and semi looked at you with his eyebrow raised.

"i think you just started something you don't want to finish." semi dropped his hand into the paint and took it back out, holding it up in front of your face.

"maybe you should start realizing that you're the one who started it." you saw he was raising his hand to you and dodged it, but he grabbed your waist and pulled you back. your body was nearly against his before he let you go but kept one arm on your shoulder.

"i think this calls for a little bonding time don't you think?" he painted a smiley face on your cheek and then grabbed the paintbrush again.

"i would love to do this but i don't want to take another shower." you quickly walked away from semi, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you back towards him.

"well that's just too bad isn't it? get your paintbrush out love, we're gonna be painting more than walls today."

"i don't think i want to, love."

"should've thought of that earlier."


thirty minutes later you and semi were covered in paint and semi's walls now had small streaks of color on them with a grey background. you were quite proud of it.

"i think it looks cool." you said and looked at your paint-covered hands. "i prefer your hair like this, looks cooler." you ruffled his hair that now looked like the rainbow puked on it. "you should dye it like this."

"i don't think so."

"I think you should. it would probably earn you more fans."

"only if you dye your hair to match."

"what happened here?" tendou asked and looked around the room and then at you two who were standing in the middle of it.

"paint." you answered and tried to pick the dry paint off you.

"don't put y/n, semi, and paint together. got it." tendou nodded and walked away.

"hey look it's my handprint." you pointed at the handprint that was above semi's bed. "if i get arrested they better not come here for my fingerprints."

"i don't want your handprint on my wall." semi said and you looked over at him.

"then add yours to it." you took his hand and pressed his palm flat against the space above his bed and a good distance away from yours. "now you have yours."

"how fun."

you dipped your finger into black paint and drew a smiley face between your handprints. your handprint was in blue paint while he was in orange.

"i think this is the start of a great friendship between us eita." you slung your arm around his shoulders as you looked at the small painting in front of you.

"don't call me eita." semi said but made no move to push your arm away. you took that as an achievement.

"you call me y/n so i think we're good." you said and withdrew your arm. "well i have another shower that i think is necessary."

you turned to walk out of the room and semi followed behind you. the second you two walked out there was a flash of a camera, making you and semi blink.

"we're starting a scrapbook!" yachi said and took the picture out of the slot.

"bonding by paint." saeko came up with a name for the photo and opened a book that yachi had gotten.

"we should all put our handprints on the front." kiyoko suggested.

"how about just our fingerprints?" semi suggested.

"aw, do you want the handprints to be just your thing with a certain drummer?" tendou teased and started poking semi's shoulder.

"shut up."

"you didn't deny it."

"I will hit you with the book."

"calm down buddy. i was only joking." tendou walked away from him. "not really."

ushijima dipped his thumb into the green paint and pressed his thumb against the cover of the book. "we should make a heart with our thumbs."

"great idea!" saeko dipped her thumb into yellow paint and went next.

"our handprints were better." semi said and took his already painted thumb and put his next to yours.

"i knew you liked the handprints." you couldn't control the smile from appearing on your face.

"they're okay."

"heh, i knew it." you looked at your blue heart on the cover and yachi took a sharpie out. "write your names on it."

semi took the marker and put the cap into his mouth before pulling the marker out and writing his name down under his heart. he then handed the marker over to you.

"what's for dinner?" tendou asked and looked around.


"i don't want pizza."

"can't we go out to a restaurant?"

"can anyone cook?"

"do you want to risk burning the house down the day we move in?"

"what if we bake a cake?"

"why would we bake a cake for dinner?"

"why not?"

"can we not come up with one decision together?"

"you're funny."

what idiot just ordered two of the same book by accident? me. that's who. i'm the idiot.

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now